Welcome to the second LSST DESC data challenge project, DC2! We are aiming to simulate 300 sq deg of LSST imaging over a 10 year campaign in 6 filters, to provide a legacy dataset that supports a wide range of investigations, initially within the collaboration but later (we hope) the rest of the LSST community.
The repository contains all of the issues, tools and validations used for the DC2 simulated dataset production, and the Notes and papers that describe the DC2 production strategy and techniques, and record our methods and findings.
DC2 Confluence. DESC members can find details of our bi-weekly telecons here, among other things. (DESC members only)
DC2 Product Overview. Guide to currently available data products from DC2. (DESC members only)
We use the LSSTC Slack for our discussions, in the #desc-dc2 channel. Any member of the LSST project or science collaborations can join us there, and all are welcome to follow along. Write access to this repo is restricted to DESC Members.
There is a GitHub issues list that we are using to track and discuss our work: please do come and join in!
To see what's being discussed now, you might like to start by browsing the issue list in order of recent activity.
The software in this repo is under development and has not yet been released. It was developed within the LSST DESC using LSST DESC resources, and so meets the criteria given in, and is bound by, the LSST DESC Publication Policy for being a "DESC product”. We welcome requests to access the code for non-DESC use; if you wish to use the code outside DESC please contact the developers, e.g., by writing an issue.
For more information, please contact DESC Computing and Simulations Coordinator Katrin Heitmann (heitmann at anl.gov).