Code for Petrie et al., 2024 "Maturation of dopamine-related neurophysiology in posterior putamen supports the development of habitual behavior through adolescence"
Description of R scripts for main analyses:
daw_analyses_07_03_24.Rmd: Contains code for the main analyses in the manuscript.
daw_figures_091024.Rmd: Contains code for the figures in the manuscript.
stay_probability_091724.Rmd: Contains code for for multilevel logistic regression models, and code for some of the supplementary analyses.
rt_analyses.Rmd: Contains code for reaction-time analyses in the supplementary section.
Descripition of R scripts for hBayesDM analyses:
create_daw_txt_hBayesDM.R: Cleaning code for input to hBayesDM. This cleans the trial-level data.
hBayesDM_script.R: Contains code to run hBayesDM.
hBayesDM_check.R: Contains code to examine hBayesDM output.