This is a simple todo-list made with Vue(frontend) and a simple webserver written in Go(backend).
Note that this started out as a simple hack and the source code probably requires some polishing. Use at your own risk.
The vue part was based and inspired by
- Multi-user support
- Share lists with other users
- Add reminders for items (sent via mail)
- Add notes to items
- Complete an item but still be able to view it.
- Sort items (optimises the shopping for shopping lists!)
- Delete items
- Multiple lists
- Favorite list (that shows first when accessing)
- Phone support (Using PWA features)
- Desktop support (webpage)
- Update "live" when someone else adds stuff.
- TLS support
- SQLite database (easy to backup)
- Self-hosted
- Simple admin interface
- Validate new users
- Remove access tokens
- Remove users
- In order to send email reminders you need to use a mailserver. I use postfix locally.
- You need to run DoIt with TLS if you want to be able to use phone app.
- First site access will allow for admin creation!
- All new accounts must be validated by admin before being able to login.
Create a tarball with binary and distribution build.
make dist
Run from the dist build:
./doit -tlscert server.crt -tlskey server.key -mailhost localhost:25 -database my.db
Run without TLS:
./doit -skiptls
Development environment (requires TLS certificates, see makefile):
make dev
- Add support for push notification
- Throttle signup/login requests better.
- Code cleanup for both backend and frontend.
- Packaging
- Structure backend after best practices