This repository contains a flask application structured in the way that all Land Registry flask user interfaces should be structured going forwards.
This app supports the common-dev-env so adding the following to your dev-env config file is enough:
repo: git@repository-host:local_land_charges/search-local-land-charge-ui.git
branch: master
The Docker image it creates (and runs) will install all necessary requirements and set all environment variables for you.
- PYTHONUNBUFFERED (suggested value: yes)
- MAX_HEALTH_CASCADE (suggested value: 6)
- DEFAULT_TIMEOUT (suggested value: 30)
- CONTENT_SECURITY_POLICY_MODE (suggested value: full)
- BASE_TEMPLATE (suggested value: hmlr)
- SESSION_COOKIE_HTTPONLY (suggested value: True)
- SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE (suggested value: True)
- FLASK_APP (suggested value: server/
- FLASK_DEBUG (suggested value: 1)
(The third party libraries are defined in requirements.txt and can be installed using pip)
python3 -m flask run
flask run
make run
This application uses Black to format its Python code in a consistent and predictable way. Please ensure you run black . --line-length 119
to format your code prior to raising a merge request.
This application uses Flake8 to lint its Python code to check for errors and conformity with the PEP8 standards. After formatting, please ensure you run flake8 .
to lint your code prior to raising a merge request.
For the JavaScript side, this application uses a combination of the HMLR ESLint config and Prettier to check for errors and apply consistent formatting. Please remember to run npm run lint:fix
prior to raising a merge request which will raise any errors and if there are none, prettify the code.
The unit tests are contained in the unit_tests folder. Pytest is used for unit testing. To run the tests use the following command:
make unittest
(or just py.test)
To run them and output a coverage report and a junit xml file run:
make report="true" unittest
These files get added to a test-output folder. The test-output folder is created if doesn't exist.
You can run these commands in the app's running container via docker-compose exec search-local-land-charge-ui <command>
or exec search-local-land-charge-ui <command>
. There is also an alias: unit-test search-local-land-charge-ui
and unit-test search-local-land-charge-ui -r
will run tests and generate reports respectively.
The integration tests are contained in the integration_tests folder. Pytest is used for integration testing. To run the tests and output a junit xml use the following command:
make integrationtest
(or py.test integration_tests)
This file gets added to the test-output folder. The test-output folder is created if doesn't exist.
To run the integration tests if you are using the common dev-env you can run docker-compose exec search-local-land-charge-ui make integrationtest
or, using the alias, integration-test search-local-land-charge-ui
Provided via configuration.yml
, Dockerfile
and fragments/docker-compose-fragment.yml
lists the commodities the dev env needs to spin up e.g. postgres. The ELK stack is spun up when "logging" is present.
The docker-compose-fragment.yml
contains the service definiton, including the external port to map to, sharing the app source folder so the files don't need to be baked into the image, and redirection of the stdout logs to logstash via syslog.
The Dockerfile
simply sets the APP_NAME environment variable and installs the third party library requirements. Any further app-specific variables or commands can be added here.