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Merge pull request #5996 from Laravel-Lang/projects/translate-whj3d6r
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[sl]: Machine translation of missing values 🤖
  • Loading branch information
andrey-helldar authored Feb 14, 2025
2 parents 1d8a005 + 4c3df70 commit 564278b
Showing 1 changed file with 8 additions and 8 deletions.
16 changes: 8 additions & 8 deletions locales/sl/json.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -331,16 +331,16 @@
"If you did not receive the email": "Če niste prejeli e-pošte",
"If you did not request a password reset, no further action is required.": "V kolikor niste zahtevali ponastavitve gesla, nadaljni koraki niso potrebni.",
"If you do not have an account, you may create one by clicking the button below. After creating an account, you may click the invitation acceptance button in this email to accept the team invitation:": "Če nimate računa, ga lahko ustvarite s klikom na spodnji gumb. Ko ustvarite račun, lahko kliknete na gumb za sprejem povabila v tej e-pošti, da sprejmete povabilo skupine.:",
"If you need to add specific contact or tax information to your invoices, like your full business name, VAT identification number, or address of record, you may add it here.": "If you need to add specific contact or tax information to your invoices, like your full business name, VAT identification number, or address of record, you may add it here.",
"If you need to add specific contact or tax information to your invoices, like your full business name, VAT identification number, or address of record, you may add it here.": "Če morate v račune dodati posebne kontaktne ali davčne podatke, kot so celotno ime podjetja, identifikacijska številka DDV ali naslov zapisa, jih lahko dodate tukaj.",
"If you're having trouble clicking the \":actionText\" button, copy and paste the URL below\ninto your web browser:": "V primeru težav s klikom na gumb \":actionText\", kopirajte in prilepite spodnji URL v svoj brskalnik:",
"Impersonate": "Impersoniraj",
"Increase": "Povečanje",
"India": "Indija",
"Indonesia": "Indonezija",
"Invalid filename.": "Neveljavno ime datoteke.",
"Invalid JSON was returned from the route.": "Iz poti je bil vrnjen neveljaven JSON.",
"Invoice Email Addresses": "Invoice Email Addresses",
"Invoice emails updated successfully.": "Invoice emails updated successfully.",
"Invoice Email Addresses": "E -poštni naslovi na računu",
"Invoice emails updated successfully.": "E -poštna sporočila, ki so uspešno posodobljena.",
"Invoices": "Računi",
"Iran, Islamic Republic Of": "Iran",
"Iran, Islamic Republic of": "Iran, Islamska republika",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -523,9 +523,9 @@
"Please confirm your password before continuing.": "Pred nadaljevanjem potrdite svoje geslo.",
"Please copy your new API token. For your security, it won't be shown again.": "Kopirajte vaš nov API žeton. Zaradi vaše varnosti ne bo prikazan ponovno.",
"Please enter your password to confirm you would like to log out of your other browser sessions across all of your devices.": "Vnesite svoje geslo, da potrdite, da se želite odjaviti iz drugih sej brskalnika v vseh vaših napravah.",
"Please provide a maximum of three invoice emails addresses.": "Please provide a maximum of three invoice emails addresses.",
"Please provide a maximum of three invoice emails addresses.": "Navedite največ tri naslove e -poštnih sporočil.",
"Please provide the email address of the person you would like to add to this team.": "Prosimo, navedite e-poštni naslov osebe, ki jo želite dodati, v to ekipo.",
"Please set a default payment method before retrying payments.": "Please set a default payment method before retrying payments.",
"Please set a default payment method before retrying payments.": "Pred ponovnim poskusom plačil nastavite privzeti način plačila.",
"Please set a default payment method before swapping plans.": "Pred zamenjavo paketa nastavite privzeto plačilno sredstvo.",
"Poland": "Poljska",
"Portugal": "Portugalska",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -701,7 +701,7 @@
"The HasOne relationship has already been filled.": "Hasonova zveza je že zasedena.",
"The image could not be loaded": "Slike ni bilo mogoče naložiti",
"The image could not be loaded.": "Slike ni bilo mogoče naložiti.",
"The invoice emails must be valid email addresses.": "The invoice emails must be valid email addresses.",
"The invoice emails must be valid email addresses.": "E -poštna sporočila morajo biti veljavna e -poštna naslova.",
"The password is incorrect.": "Geslo je nepravilno.",
"The provided coupon code is invalid.": "Vnešena koda kupona ni veljavna.",
"The provided password does not match your current password.": "Vnešeno geslo se ne ujema z vašim trenutnim geslom.",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -735,7 +735,7 @@
"This is a secure area of the application. Please confirm your password before continuing.": "To je varni del aplikacije. Pred nadaljevanjem potrdite vaše geslo.",
"This password does not match our records.": "Geslo ne ustreza našim zapisom.",
"This password reset link will expire in :count minutes.": "Povezava za obnovitev gesla bo potekla čez :count minut.",
"This payment was initiated, but the funds have not been received yet. This can take up to 14 days.": "This payment was initiated, but the funds have not been received yet. This can take up to 14 days.",
"This payment was initiated, but the funds have not been received yet. This can take up to 14 days.": "To plačilo je bilo sproženo, vendar sredstva še niso bila prejeta. To lahko traja do 14 dni.",
"This resource no longer exists": "Ta vir ne obstaja več",
"This subscription has expired and cannot be resumed. Please create a new subscription.": "Ta naročnina je potekla in je ni mogoče podaljšati. Prosimo izberite novo naročnino.",
"This user already belongs to the team.": "Uporabnik je že član skupine.",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -810,7 +810,7 @@
"We are unable to process your payment. Please contact customer support.": "Ne moremo obdelati vašega plačila. Kontaktirajte oddelek za pomoč uporabnikom.",
"We have emailed your password reset link!": "Po e-pošti smo vam poslali povezavo za ponastavitev gesla!",
"We were unable to find a registered user with this email address.": "Uporabnik s tem elektronskim naslovom ne obstaja.",
"We will send an invoice download link to the email addresses that you specify below. You may separate multiple email addresses using commas.": "We will send an invoice download link to the email addresses that you specify below. You may separate multiple email addresses using commas.",
"We will send an invoice download link to the email addresses that you specify below. You may separate multiple email addresses using commas.": "Poslali bomo povezavo za prenos računa na e -poštne naslove, ki jih določite spodaj. Z vejicami lahko ločite več e -poštnih naslovov.",
"We're lost in space. The page you were trying to view does not exist.": "Izgubljeni smo v vesolju. Stran, ki ste jo želeli videti, ne obstaja.",
"Welcome Back!": "Dobrodošel Nazaj!",
"Western Sahara": "Zahodna Sahara",
Expand Down

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