a discord bot built using discord.js v14 and Typescript that reposts messages from one channel to another, even if they are from different servers!
- focus on configurability and function coupling
- easy to use and setup
In order to work with this bot, one needs sufficient knowledge in Javascript/ Typescript, NodeJS, Discord.js, Docker, Postgresql, Prisma, NPM/PNPM
- Install Node.js v18 via NVM
- Install Docker
- Create an application in the Discord Developer Portal
- Ensure that the bot has the
- Save the
from the portal, as this will be used later
- Create a bot with the following scopes and permissions*
*ensure that the bot has
perms as they are needed for the bot features - Use the generated invite link and add the bot with the permissions in your desired discord servers
- Deploy a PostgreSQL instance
- Use your desired postgresl hosting platform
- Deploy it via Docker:
docker network create reposter
docker run --name reposter-db -e --network=reposter -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mysecretpassword -d -p 5432:5432 postgres
docker network inspect reposter // get ip address of container
- Save
in the.env
- Install project dependencies:
curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.39.5/install.sh | bash
nvm install 18 && nvm use 18
npm install -g pnpm
pnpm setup
pnpm add -g pm2
- Clone this repo on your desired working directory
- Update the
file and.env
file with your project variables and configurations - Install project dependencies
pnpm install
pnpm install
- Ensure that the PostgreSQL database is running and available
pnpm db-studio
pnpm db-studio
- Run
pnpm dev
to test and ensure that the bot works well
pnpm dev
- Once testing is done, run bot via docker command
docker build . --tag <username>/<image>
docker run -d --name <app> --network=<network> --env-file ./.env <username>/<image>
docker build . --tag lastation/reposter
docker run -d --name reposter --network reposter --env-file ./.env lastation/reposter
The bot sets up repost configurations that dictate a repost setup from a source (a text channel) to a destination (such as text channel from same or different server OR a discord webhook). There can be multiple repost configurations, allowing complex setups of CHANNEL_A
The project leverages the messageCreate event in discord. It then uses the metadata from the repost config to filter out data such as allow only from users/bots and to allow only embeds/components/etc. and other configurations.
In order to support DMs with users a source and destination, the config's guildID
and channelID
would be set to the DM's channelID
, the system recognizes this automatically to instead looking for a channel in the server, looks for the user DMs channel from the list of user channels available to the bot client
Command | Description |
/channelinfo | get guild ID and channel ID for this channel |
/webhook | creates a webhook in this channel |
/reposts | view repost configurations in this server/user |
/repost view [repost_id] | view a repost configuration |
/repost add_channel [src_guild] [src_channel] [des_guild] [des_channel] | add a repost configuration (send to a channel/user from a channel/user) |
/repost add_webhook [src_guild] [src_channel] [des_webhook] | add a repost configuration (send to a webhook from a channel/user) |
/repost remove [repost_id] | remove a repost configuration |
/repost enable [repost_id] | enable a repost configuration (if it is disabled) |
/repost disable [repost_id] | temporary disable a repost configuration |
/repost update_source_allows [repost_id] [users] [bots] [webhooks] | allow reposting of messages from users/bots/webhooks |
/repost update_source_allows [repost_id] [embeds] [components] [attachments] | include embeds/components/attachments in reposts |
/repost update_delay [repost_id] [delay] | adds a delay before sending repost to destination (0 = realtime repost) |
/repost update_mentions [repost_id] [mentions] | use this to add a mention (such as role or user) for reposted messages |
/repost update_nickname [repost_id] [nickname] | toggle true if you want author nickname to be appended to reposted message |
/repost update_delete [repost_id] [delete] | toggle true if you want bot to delete original message |
/repost update_pin [repost_id] [pin] | pin reposted messages (not available for webhooks) |
/repost create_replacement [repost_id] [find] [replace] | find and replace the chosen find substring from message content |
/repost delete_replacement [repost_id] [find] | delete replacement config |