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test: fix epm and ep unit tests
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ypatil12 committed Oct 27, 2024
1 parent 12848bb commit 330e354
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Showing 8 changed files with 1,194 additions and 171 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/contracts/interfaces/IEigenPod.sol
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Expand Up @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ interface IEigenPodErrors {
/// @dev Thrown when a validator's withdrawal credentials have already been verified.
error CredentialsAlreadyVerified();
/// @dev Thrown if the provided proof is not valid for this EigenPod.
error WithdrawCredentialsNotForEigenPod();
error WithdrawalCredentialsNotForEigenPod();
/// @dev Thrown when a validator is not in the ACTIVE status in the pod.
error ValidatorNotActiveInPod();
/// @dev Thrown when validator is not active yet on the beacon chain.
Expand Down
26 changes: 12 additions & 14 deletions src/contracts/pods/EigenPod.sol
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -474,7 +474,7 @@ contract EigenPod is Initializable, ReentrancyGuardUpgradeable, EigenPodPausingC
// Ensure the validator's withdrawal credentials are pointed at this pod
validatorFields.getWithdrawalCredentials() == bytes32(_podWithdrawalCredentials()),

// Get the validator's effective balance. Note that this method uses effective balance, while
Expand All @@ -495,10 +495,8 @@ contract EigenPod is Initializable, ReentrancyGuardUpgradeable, EigenPodPausingC
// purpose of `lastCheckpointedAt` is to enforce that newly-verified validators are not
// eligible to progress already-existing checkpoints - however in this case, no checkpoints exist.
uint64 lastCheckpointedAt = lastCheckpointTimestamp;
if (currentCheckpointTimestamp != 0) {
lastCheckpointedAt = currentCheckpointTimestamp;
uint64 lastCheckpointedAt =
currentCheckpointTimestamp == 0 ? lastCheckpointTimestamp : currentCheckpointTimestamp;

// Proofs complete - create the validator in state
_validatorPubkeyHashToInfo[pubkeyHash] = ValidatorInfo({
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -632,6 +630,15 @@ contract EigenPod is Initializable, ReentrancyGuardUpgradeable, EigenPodPausingC
int256 totalShareDeltaWei =
(int128(uint128(checkpoint.podBalanceGwei)) + checkpoint.balanceDeltasGwei) * int256(GWEI_TO_WEI);

// Calculate the slashing proportion
uint64 proportionOfOldBalance = 0;
if (totalShareDeltaWei < 0) {
uint256 totalRestakedBeforeWei =
(withdrawableRestakedExecutionLayerGwei + checkpoint.beaconChainBalanceBeforeGwei) * GWEI_TO_WEI;
proportionOfOldBalance =
uint64((totalRestakedBeforeWei - uint256(-totalShareDeltaWei)) * WAD / totalRestakedBeforeWei);

// Add any native ETH in the pod to `withdrawableRestakedExecutionLayerGwei`
// ... this amount can be withdrawn via the `DelegationManager` withdrawal queue
withdrawableRestakedExecutionLayerGwei += checkpoint.podBalanceGwei;
Expand All @@ -641,15 +648,6 @@ contract EigenPod is Initializable, ReentrancyGuardUpgradeable, EigenPodPausingC
delete currentCheckpointTimestamp;
delete _currentCheckpoint;

// Calculate the slashing proportion
uint64 proportionOfOldBalance = 0;
if (totalShareDeltaWei < 0) {
uint256 totalRestakedBeforeWei =
(withdrawableRestakedExecutionLayerGwei + checkpoint.beaconChainBalanceBeforeGwei) * GWEI_TO_WEI;
proportionOfOldBalance =
uint64((totalRestakedBeforeWei + uint256(-totalShareDeltaWei)) * WAD / totalRestakedBeforeWei);

// Update pod owner's shares
eigenPodManager.recordBeaconChainETHBalanceUpdate(podOwner, totalShareDeltaWei, proportionOfOldBalance);
emit CheckpointFinalized(lastCheckpointTimestamp, totalShareDeltaWei);
Expand Down
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion src/contracts/pods/EigenPodManager.sol
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Expand Up @@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ contract EigenPodManager is

* @notice Used by the DelegationManager to remove a pod owner's shares while they're in the withdrawal queue.
* @notice Used by the DelegationManager to remove a pod owner's deposit shares when they enter the withdrawal queue.
* Simply decreases the `podOwner`'s shares by `shares`, down to a minimum of zero.
* @dev This function reverts if it would result in `podOwnerDepositShares[podOwner]` being less than zero, i.e. it is forbidden for this function to
* result in the `podOwner` incurring a "share deficit". This behavior prevents a Staker from queuing a withdrawal which improperly removes excessive
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -173,6 +173,7 @@ contract EigenPodManager is
) external onlyDelegationManager {
require(strategy == beaconChainETHStrategy, InvalidStrategy());
require(staker != address(0), InputAddressZero());
require(int256(shares) >= 0, SharesNegative());

int256 currentDepositShares = podOwnerDepositShares[staker];
uint256 sharesToWithdraw;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -232,6 +233,7 @@ contract EigenPodManager is

function _addShares(address staker, uint256 shares) internal {
require(staker != address(0), InputAddressZero());
require(int256(shares) >= 0, SharesNegative());

int256 sharesToAdd = int256(shares);
int256 currentDepositShares = podOwnerDepositShares[staker];
Expand Down
300 changes: 300 additions & 0 deletions src/contracts/pods/PodManagerOld.sol
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@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
// // SPDX-License-Identifier: BUSL-1.1
// pragma solidity ^0.8.12;

// import "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/Create2.sol";
// import "@openzeppelin-upgrades/contracts/proxy/utils/Initializable.sol";
// import "@openzeppelin-upgrades/contracts/access/OwnableUpgradeable.sol";
// import "@openzeppelin-upgrades/contracts/security/ReentrancyGuardUpgradeable.sol";

// import "../permissions/Pausable.sol";
// import "./EigenPodPausingConstants.sol";
// import "./EigenPodManagerStorage.sol";

// /**
// * @title The contract used for creating and managing EigenPods
// * @author Layr Labs, Inc.
// * @notice Terms of Service:
// * @notice The main functionalities are:
// * - creating EigenPods
// * - staking for new validators on EigenPods
// * - keeping track of the restaked balances of all EigenPod owners
// * - withdrawing eth when withdrawals are completed
// */
// contract EigenPodManager is
// Initializable,
// OwnableUpgradeable,
// Pausable,
// EigenPodPausingConstants,
// EigenPodManagerStorage,
// ReentrancyGuardUpgradeable
// {
// modifier onlyEigenPod(address podOwner) {
// require(address(ownerToPod[podOwner]) == msg.sender, "EigenPodManager.onlyEigenPod: not a pod");
// _;
// }

// modifier onlyDelegationManager() {
// require(
// msg.sender == address(delegationManager), "EigenPodManager.onlyDelegationManager: not the DelegationManager"
// );
// _;
// }

// constructor(
// IETHPOSDeposit _ethPOS,
// IBeacon _eigenPodBeacon,
// IStrategyManager _strategyManager,
// ISlasher _slasher,
// IDelegationManager _delegationManager
// ) EigenPodManagerStorage(_ethPOS, _eigenPodBeacon, _strategyManager, _slasher, _delegationManager) {
// _disableInitializers();
// }

// function initialize(
// address initialOwner,
// IPauserRegistry _pauserRegistry,
// uint256 _initPausedStatus
// ) external initializer {
// _transferOwnership(initialOwner);
// _initializePauser(_pauserRegistry, _initPausedStatus);
// }

// /**
// * @notice Creates an EigenPod for the sender.
// * @dev Function will revert if the `msg.sender` already has an EigenPod.
// * @dev Returns EigenPod address
// */
// function createPod() external onlyWhenNotPaused(PAUSED_NEW_EIGENPODS) returns (address) {
// require(!hasPod(msg.sender), "EigenPodManager.createPod: Sender already has a pod");
// // deploy a pod if the sender doesn't have one already
// IEigenPod pod = _deployPod();

// return address(pod);
// }

// /**
// * @notice Stakes for a new beacon chain validator on the sender's EigenPod.
// * Also creates an EigenPod for the sender if they don't have one already.
// * @param pubkey The 48 bytes public key of the beacon chain validator.
// * @param signature The validator's signature of the deposit data.
// * @param depositDataRoot The root/hash of the deposit data for the validator's deposit.
// */
// function stake(
// bytes calldata pubkey,
// bytes calldata signature,
// bytes32 depositDataRoot
// ) external payable onlyWhenNotPaused(PAUSED_NEW_EIGENPODS) {
// IEigenPod pod = ownerToPod[msg.sender];
// if (address(pod) == address(0)) {
// //deploy a pod if the sender doesn't have one already
// pod = _deployPod();
// }
// pod.stake{value: msg.value}(pubkey, signature, depositDataRoot);
// }

// /**
// * @notice Changes the `podOwner`'s shares by `sharesDelta` and performs a call to the DelegationManager
// * to ensure that delegated shares are also tracked correctly
// * @param podOwner is the pod owner whose balance is being updated.
// * @param sharesDelta is the change in podOwner's beaconChainETHStrategy shares
// * @dev Callable only by the podOwner's EigenPod contract.
// * @dev Reverts if `sharesDelta` is not a whole Gwei amount
// */
// function recordBeaconChainETHBalanceUpdate(
// address podOwner,
// int256 sharesDelta
// ) external onlyEigenPod(podOwner) nonReentrant {
// require(
// podOwner != address(0), "EigenPodManager.recordBeaconChainETHBalanceUpdate: podOwner cannot be zero address"
// );
// require(
// sharesDelta % int256(GWEI_TO_WEI) == 0,
// "EigenPodManager.recordBeaconChainETHBalanceUpdate: sharesDelta must be a whole Gwei amount"
// );
// int256 currentPodOwnerShares = podOwnerShares[podOwner];
// int256 updatedPodOwnerShares = currentPodOwnerShares + sharesDelta;
// podOwnerShares[podOwner] = updatedPodOwnerShares;

// // inform the DelegationManager of the change in delegateable shares
// int256 changeInDelegatableShares = _calculateChangeInDelegatableShares({
// sharesBefore: currentPodOwnerShares,
// sharesAfter: updatedPodOwnerShares
// });
// // skip making a call to the DelegationManager if there is no change in delegateable shares
// if (changeInDelegatableShares != 0) {
// if (changeInDelegatableShares < 0) {
// delegationManager.decreaseDelegatedShares({
// staker: podOwner,
// strategy: beaconChainETHStrategy,
// shares: uint256(-changeInDelegatableShares)
// });
// } else {
// delegationManager.increaseDelegatedShares({
// staker: podOwner,
// strategy: beaconChainETHStrategy,
// shares: uint256(changeInDelegatableShares)
// });
// }
// }
// emit PodSharesUpdated(podOwner, sharesDelta);
// emit NewTotalShares(podOwner, updatedPodOwnerShares);
// }

// /**
// * @notice Used by the DelegationManager to remove a pod owner's shares while they're in the withdrawal queue.
// * Simply decreases the `podOwner`'s shares by `shares`, down to a minimum of zero.
// * @dev This function reverts if it would result in `podOwnerShares[podOwner]` being less than zero, i.e. it is forbidden for this function to
// * result in the `podOwner` incurring a "share deficit". This behavior prevents a Staker from queuing a withdrawal which improperly removes excessive
// * shares from the operator to whom the staker is delegated.
// * @dev Reverts if `shares` is not a whole Gwei amount
// * @dev The delegation manager validates that the podOwner is not address(0)
// */
// function removeShares(address podOwner, uint256 shares) external onlyDelegationManager {
// require(int256(shares) >= 0, "EigenPodManager.removeShares: shares cannot be negative");
// require(shares % GWEI_TO_WEI == 0, "EigenPodManager.removeShares: shares must be a whole Gwei amount");
// int256 updatedPodOwnerShares = podOwnerShares[podOwner] - int256(shares);
// require(
// updatedPodOwnerShares >= 0,
// "EigenPodManager.removeShares: cannot result in pod owner having negative shares"
// );
// podOwnerShares[podOwner] = updatedPodOwnerShares;

// emit NewTotalShares(podOwner, updatedPodOwnerShares);
// }

// /**
// * @notice Increases the `podOwner`'s shares by `shares`, paying off deficit if possible.
// * Used by the DelegationManager to award a pod owner shares on exiting the withdrawal queue
// * @dev Returns the number of shares added to `podOwnerShares[podOwner]` above zero, which will be less than the `shares` input
// * in the event that the podOwner has an existing shares deficit (i.e. `podOwnerShares[podOwner]` starts below zero)
// * @dev Reverts if `shares` is not a whole Gwei amount
// */
// function addShares(address podOwner, uint256 shares) external onlyDelegationManager returns (uint256) {
// require(podOwner != address(0), "EigenPodManager.addShares: podOwner cannot be zero address");
// require(int256(shares) >= 0, "EigenPodManager.addShares: shares cannot be negative");
// require(shares % GWEI_TO_WEI == 0, "EigenPodManager.addShares: shares must be a whole Gwei amount");
// int256 currentPodOwnerShares = podOwnerShares[podOwner];
// int256 updatedPodOwnerShares = currentPodOwnerShares + int256(shares);
// podOwnerShares[podOwner] = updatedPodOwnerShares;

// emit PodSharesUpdated(podOwner, int256(shares));
// emit NewTotalShares(podOwner, updatedPodOwnerShares);

// return uint256(
// _calculateChangeInDelegatableShares({
// sharesBefore: currentPodOwnerShares,
// sharesAfter: updatedPodOwnerShares
// })
// );
// }

// /**
// * @notice Used by the DelegationManager to complete a withdrawal, sending tokens to some destination address
// * @dev Prioritizes decreasing the podOwner's share deficit, if they have one
// * @dev Reverts if `shares` is not a whole Gwei amount
// * @dev This function assumes that `removeShares` has already been called by the delegationManager, hence why
// * we do not need to update the podOwnerShares if `currentPodOwnerShares` is positive
// */
// function withdrawSharesAsTokens(
// address podOwner,
// address destination,
// uint256 shares
// ) external onlyDelegationManager {
// require(podOwner != address(0), "EigenPodManager.withdrawSharesAsTokens: podOwner cannot be zero address");
// require(destination != address(0), "EigenPodManager.withdrawSharesAsTokens: destination cannot be zero address");
// require(int256(shares) >= 0, "EigenPodManager.withdrawSharesAsTokens: shares cannot be negative");
// require(shares % GWEI_TO_WEI == 0, "EigenPodManager.withdrawSharesAsTokens: shares must be a whole Gwei amount");
// int256 currentPodOwnerShares = podOwnerShares[podOwner];

// // if there is an existing shares deficit, prioritize decreasing the deficit first
// if (currentPodOwnerShares < 0) {
// uint256 currentShareDeficit = uint256(-currentPodOwnerShares);

// if (shares > currentShareDeficit) {
// // get rid of the whole deficit if possible, and pass any remaining shares onto destination
// podOwnerShares[podOwner] = 0;
// shares -= currentShareDeficit;
// emit PodSharesUpdated(podOwner, int256(currentShareDeficit));
// emit NewTotalShares(podOwner, 0);
// } else {
// // otherwise get rid of as much deficit as possible, and return early, since there is nothing left over to forward on
// int256 updatedPodOwnerShares = podOwnerShares[podOwner] + int256(shares);
// podOwnerShares[podOwner] = updatedPodOwnerShares;
// emit PodSharesUpdated(podOwner, int256(shares));
// emit NewTotalShares(podOwner, updatedPodOwnerShares);
// return;
// }
// }
// // Actually withdraw to the destination
// ownerToPod[podOwner].withdrawRestakedBeaconChainETH(destination, shares);
// }


// function _deployPod() internal returns (IEigenPod) {
// ++numPods;
// // create the pod
// IEigenPod pod = IEigenPod(
// Create2.deploy(
// 0,
// bytes32(uint256(uint160(msg.sender))),
// // set the beacon address to the eigenPodBeacon and initialize it
// abi.encodePacked(beaconProxyBytecode, abi.encode(eigenPodBeacon, ""))
// )
// );
// pod.initialize(msg.sender);
// // store the pod in the mapping
// ownerToPod[msg.sender] = pod;
// emit PodDeployed(address(pod), msg.sender);
// return pod;
// }

// /**
// * @notice Calculates the change in a pod owner's delegateable shares as a result of their beacon chain ETH shares changing
// * from `sharesBefore` to `sharesAfter`. The key concept here is that negative/"deficit" shares are not delegateable.
// */
// function _calculateChangeInDelegatableShares(
// int256 sharesBefore,
// int256 sharesAfter
// ) internal pure returns (int256) {
// if (sharesBefore <= 0) {
// if (sharesAfter <= 0) {
// // if the shares started negative and stayed negative, then there cannot have been an increase in delegateable shares
// return 0;
// } else {
// // if the shares started negative and became positive, then the increase in delegateable shares is the ending share amount
// return sharesAfter;
// }
// } else {
// if (sharesAfter <= 0) {
// // if the shares started positive and became negative, then the decrease in delegateable shares is the starting share amount
// return (-sharesBefore);
// } else {
// // if the shares started positive and stayed positive, then the change in delegateable shares
// // is the difference between starting and ending amounts
// return (sharesAfter - sharesBefore);
// }
// }
// }

// /// @notice Returns the address of the `podOwner`'s EigenPod (whether it is deployed yet or not).
// function getPod(address podOwner) public view returns (IEigenPod) {
// IEigenPod pod = ownerToPod[podOwner];
// // if pod does not exist already, calculate what its address *will be* once it is deployed
// if (address(pod) == address(0)) {
// pod = IEigenPod(
// Create2.computeAddress(
// bytes32(uint256(uint160(podOwner))), //salt
// keccak256(abi.encodePacked(beaconProxyBytecode, abi.encode(eigenPodBeacon, ""))) //bytecode
// )
// );
// }
// return pod;
// }

// /// @notice Returns 'true' if the `podOwner` has created an EigenPod, and 'false' otherwise.
// function hasPod(address podOwner) public view returns (bool) {
// return address(ownerToPod[podOwner]) != address(0);
// }
// }

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