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This repository mirrors the SQLite amalgamation, provided in order to be included in git submodule/subtree or other git based, custom dependency managers. It also comes with a cmake build script to easily make the library and the shell application.

SQLite includes more than 100 files in *.c / *.h, but

The amalgamation contains everything you need to integrate SQLite into a larger project. Just copy the amalgamation into your source directory and compile it along with the other C code files in your project. (A more detailed > discussion of the > compilation process is available.) You may also want to make use of the "sqlite3.h" header file that defines the programming API for SQLite. The sqlite3.h header file is available separately. The sqlite3.h file is also contained within the amalgamation, in the first few thousand lines. So if you have a copy of sqlite3.c but cannot seem to locate sqlite3.h, you can always regenerate the sqlite3.h by copying and pasting from the amalgamation.


build by cmake

A static lib (libsqlite3) and the sqlite3 shell will be generated by the build system.

# under Linux / OS X
$> mkdir .build
$> cd .build
$> cmake ..   # or cmake .. -G Ninja
$> make -j 2  # or ninja

# under Windows
$> mkdir .build
$> cd .build
$> cmake ..
$> cmake --build . --config Release -- /v:m

building of the shell application is disabled by default, to make it:

$> cmake .. -DBUILD_SHELL=ON

by gcc and clang it's also possible to build sqlite3 as a shared library by cmake:

# on gcc or clang (Linux or OS X)

SQLite3 build options

SQLite comes with a plenty of compile options, you can choose some of these options:



# shell: Linux / OS X
$> ccmake .

# gui: Linux / OS X / Windows
$> cmake-gui .

for more information please have a look at Compilation Options For SQLite