Java library to send log to telegram users and groups through bots.
TLogger sends messages to selecioned users and groups in telegram through bots. Every message contains a timestamp, the hostname where the application is running and optionals informations like description, message, class name and stacktrace.
You need a bot to send logs for you. Just talk to BotFather and follow a few simple steps. You also need a chat id from a user or group. Use IDBot for that.
Setup TLogger with a telegram bot token and a default chat id
TLogger.setup("BOT_TOKEN", -12314124l);
Send logs to telegram
TLogger.getLogger().send(ExampleClass.class, "Message to send", new RuntimeException("Throwable example"));
tlogger.json is a file to setup chat's and application description:
"active": true,
"description": "app description",
"chats": [
"name": "group-x",
"id": -0
"name": "user-z",
"id": 0
active: Disable/Enable the logger. if you need the logger to start on or off, this can be changed with TLogger.getLogger().disable()
and TLogger.getLogger().enable()
description: A description of the application that will send logs
chats: Chat's to send logs. Chat's in tlogger.json are used by their names in the send method.