Usage: /path/to/directory
Recursive when target is a directory. Scanning individual files works too.
Malware heuristics scanner tailored for scanning hacked websites
Scans are saved to a log file in $logdir for review. Standard output is intended to be silent unless errors are encountered.
Change line 6 to a directory where you want the log files stored:
my $logDir = '/var/log/clamlog';
Log file names will be: <folder or file name>_<unix time>
gzinflate longer than 250 characters
Unicode longer than 250 characters
base64_decode longer than 250 characters
Yandex checker
Defaced Page
UDP Flood
Phishing Page
Mass Mailer
Possible VB Shell
Hex Obfuscation longer than 250 characters
Escape Encoded RegEx
Tested on perl 5.8.8 and newer
Perl modules used:
use warnings;
use strict;
use File::Find;
use File::Basename;
use POSIX;
use POSIX qw(tzset);
use FileHandle;
use Tie::File;
use Fcntl 'O_RDONLY';
use Cwd 'abs_path';