Steps to export Project
- Remove old "Exports" from Export folder
- Export desirible build
- Upload it to
- Draw Edit's player
- Add Invisible joystick (Need to check on phone)
- Reduce enemy max velocity (Kanat said that's OK)?
- It would be great to add in settings choice of which control type the user prefer. Or it'd be ideal to create system where it chooses a random control type and users can change it if they don't like it and this choice would affect the probability of the choise of the control type.
- Edit prefer to replace tail with legs
- Edit suggested to add cylindar hat to the main character with monocle
- Nelly suggested to change color for brown fishes and she sent the picture which color suits others well.
- Also Nelly suggested to leave only one eye to the main character
- Let the users to choose colors for player, mobs and background
Or at least to correct collision shape and size
- Reduce Joystick size?
- Reducing SIZE of apk file?
- What is Stretch:Mode?
- Is screen size set up in settings affected by Stretch:Mode?
- [AS] Make Start button and Joysting unaffected from scratching
- [AS] Solve "Expensing" of screen problem. = it seems I solved but I don't know how it affects other devices. I just set Stretch:Mode to "Canvas Items" and Stretch:Aspect to "Ignore"
Acronyms: [AS] - "After Study" means that I need to learn/study more and after gaining proper knowledge to come back to this TODO or task and so on.