This project is a port of for React.js
Installation :
npm install react-bootstrap-datetimepicker
render: function() {
return <DateTimeField />;
See Examples for more details.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
dateTime | string | moment().format('x') | Represents the inital dateTime, this string is then parsed by moment.js |
format | string | "x" | Defines the format moment.js should use to parse and output the date to onChange |
inputFormat | string | "MM/DD/YY h:mm A" | Defines the way the date is represented in the HTML input |
onChange | function | x => console.log(x) | Callback trigger when the date changes |
showToday | boolean | true | Highlights today's date |
daysOfWeekDisabled | array of integer | [] | Disables clicking on some days. Goes from 0 (Sunday) to 6 (Saturday). |
viewMode | string or number | 'days' | The default view to display when the picker is shown. ('years', 'months', 'days') |
inputProps | object | undefined | Defines additional attributes for the input element of the component. |
minDate | moment | undefined | The earliest date allowed for entry in the calendar view. |
maxDate | moment | undefined | The latest date allowed for entry in the calendar view. |
Starting from 0.0.6, the 3 github repositories react-bootstrap-datetimepicker
, react-bootstrap-datetimepicker-npm
and react-bootstrap-datetimepicker-bower
are merged in a single one. The build process changed but the API is the same.
However now the package exports DateTimeField directly, no need to do :
var DateTimeField = require('react-bootstrap-datetimepicker').DateTimeField;
instead use :
var DateTimeField = require('react-bootstrap-datetimepicker');
There is still plenty of features missing compared to the original date time picker, hence contributions would be highly appreciated.