a static blog generator which tries to do as little as possible:
do only the most essential stuff on server side (like providing links from index page to all posts), and move all non-essential stuff (like tags, sorting, filtering) to client side (Javascript)
do only the most essential stuff when generating index.html (patch it, instead of regenerating anew)
try to keep code as small as possible (under 100 lines of bash script)
It tries to fit between jr (which does not look very search-engine friendly), and bashblog (which re-reads all posts on single post modification).
- sed -i
- envsubst
- array.map, array.filter, array.forEach (FF1.5+, IE 9+)
- (document|element).querySelector[All] (FF 3.5+, IE 9+, Opera 10+, Safari 3.2+)
- window.onhashchange (Chrome 5.0+, FF 3.6, IE 8+, Opera 10.6+, Safari 5.0+)