Simple Bootstrap 3 admin theme, helps to provide a clean admin interface.
##Necessary code
The dist folder contains the compiled .css file which is a concatenated and minified version of all the scss files inside src/scss.
##Import in a project
To import this theme in any projet, just install it as a dependencies by running npm i MajoraAdminTheme -S
You can then import the necessary stylesheet located inside ./node_modules/MajoraAdminTheme/dist/css/majora-theme.min.css
##Basic components
A lot of predefined components are available.
You can see all of them by launching the index.html
Each one of the components is inside a comment block signaling the start and end of the necessary code for that component.
##Edit the styles
To edit any of the styles, update the sass files inside the scss folder.
To generate a new version of the dist css, run:
npm run build
##Edit the demo
To update the demo file or add new components, you can work with npm scritps and browser sync to facilitate de developement.
Run npm run watch
to start watching files modification and compile on change, as well as live reloading your browser.