a simulative program to calculate the tragectory of a cluster of hard balls, in 2 or 3 dimentions. planned to be a physics demenstration program built for my own entertainment and practice.
the reason i started this project is i was interested in the idea of a kinetic simulation that is not based on timesteps, but rather based on calculation of precise collition times. the advantage of wich is that in theory it is not prone to any numerical errors besides floating point arithmatic inacuracies.
- boundery conditions
- general simulation hault conditions, the ability to change and continue run after simulation hault
- arbitrary circle size, mass and color
- inelastic colitions (work in progress)
- rotational colitions (work in progress)
- output realtime animation
- output animation to file
- input from file (work in progress)
- output to file (work in progress)
- 3d simulation (work in progress)