When the power supply of my Rasptouch based audio player failed, I decided to upgrade the switching power supply to a 5V lineair one. However, this also this also meant that I no longer could use the integrated power management module to control the Raspberry Pi. Although many versions of a Raspberry Pi power controller already exist, I decided to make my own, so I could tailor the exact behaviour of the power button. This version is based on a simple ATTiny85 / Digispark module which controls a 5V relay board. Communication with the Raspberry Pi is performed via a (software) serial port. As an added bonus, it is also possible to connect a TM1637 based 4 character LCD display to show the power status.
The button pin is connected with ADC0 of the ATTiny85, which is also the reset pin. To prevent the microcontroller to reset, a voltage divider is used with a 4.7K resister connected with ground and a 1K resistor connected with VCC. The switch point is around 930 on the scale between 0 and 1023.
The UART TX pin of the raspberry pi is directly connected with the RX pin on the ATTiny85. The TX pin on the ATTiny85 is connected to the UART RX pin of the raspberry pi using a voltage divider.
PB1 and PB2 can be used to drive a TM1637 based display. PB0 is used to trigger a 5V relay switch module.
1 ADC0 POWER BUTTON (analog input)
3 PB4 SERIAL TX (digital output)
2 PB3 SERIAL RX (digital input)
7 PB2 DISPLAY CLOCK (digital output)
6 PB1 DISPLAY_DIO / POWER LED (digital output)
5 PB0 RELAY SWITCH (digital output)
Reset, ADC0, PB5 1 o 8 VCC 5 Volts
Ground 4 5 PB0, PWM, I2C SDA, SPI MOSI
UART TX - RPi GPIO 14 / TXD / pin 8 - serial send
UART RX - RPi GPIO 15 / RXD / pin 10 - serial receive
The scripts folder contains sample script files for integrating the power switch. Communication with the microcontoller the serial port of the Raspberry Pi is used (/dev/ttyAMA0).
The following commands to the microcontroller are supported:
- 'BOOTOK' - OS boot done
- 'SHUTDOWN' - shutdown initiated by software
- 'REBOOT' - reboot initiated by software
- 'LED' - use led for notification
- 'DISPLAY' - use display for notification
- 'STATUS' - get current power status
- 'MILLIS' - get elapsed time in milliseconds
The microcontroller instructs the Raspberry Pi to perform a shutdown via the command:
- 'shutdown' - shutdown initiated by the power button