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Getting Started

Chris Zieba edited this page Aug 15, 2016 · 6 revisions

Table of Contents


  1. If you do not have python, install python.
  1. pip install localize

If you run into any errors during install, take a look at our Common Issues


  1. pip install --upgrade localize

Set Up

  1. Log into your Localize account and go to the API Keys section of your Organization Settings.

  2. Create a new API key. It can be scoped to a specific project but do not scope it to a specific method.

  3. Open terminal and run the following:

$ localize config

It will then ask you for your project key which you can find at the bottom of the API Keys page.

It will then ask for your API token, which you can find by clicking view next to the API key you made in step 1.

  1. Find and open the localize config, should be at the root of your user folder, on OS X/MacOS it is here: /Users/USER_NAME/.localize/config.yml.

  2. Add your pull and push files.

  project: YOUR_PROJECT_ID
  1. Replace the - file: value under push: with the absolute path to your source file. You can have many source files by adding a new - file field.

  2. Replace the - file: path under pull: with the absolute path to your new translated file. You can have many source files by adding a new - file field.

Note: For the pull file, the name can only be an active language code in that project. You do not need to create this file.

  1. Run localize push

  2. Go to the phrases page for the project. Add or order translations for these new phrases.

  3. Once everything has been translated run localize pull

  4. You now have a new translated file with all of the phrases from your source file.

  5. Repeat the last 4 steps when any changes happen to your source file.

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