Enable relative color syntax (#34897) #64
GitHub Actions / linux-wpt-layout-2020
Jan 8, 2025 in 0s
Aggregated linux-wpt-layout-2020 report
Test results for linux-wpt-layout-2020 from try job (#12679256568):
Flaky unexpected result (24)
(#19978)- TIMEOUT [expected PASS] subtest:
Fetching a blob URL immediately before revoking it works in <script> tags.
Test timed out
- TIMEOUT [expected PASS] subtest:
- OK
(#23384)- FAIL [expected PASS] subtest:
WebGL test #0: Texture switching significantly hurt performance - achieved 765 frames in 2.008 seconds (0.66 times baseline performance)
assert_true: Texture switching significantly hurt performance - achieved 765 frames in 2.008 seconds (0.66 times baseline performance) expected true got false
- FAIL [expected PASS] subtest:
- OK
(#23384)- FAIL [expected PASS] subtest:
WebGL test #0: Texture switching significantly hurt performance - achieved 585 frames in 2.007 seconds (0.57 times baseline performance)
assert_true: Texture switching significantly hurt performance - achieved 585 frames in 2.007 seconds (0.57 times baseline performance) expected true got false
- FAIL [expected PASS] subtest:
- PASS [expected FAIL]
(#32849) - OK
(#29174)- PASS [expected FAIL] subtest:
Newline normalization - \r\n in FormData name (urlencoded)
- PASS [expected FAIL] subtest:
- OK
- PASS [expected FAIL] subtest:
A disabled form-associated custom element should not submit an entry for it
- PASS [expected FAIL] subtest:
- OK
- FAIL [expected PASS] subtest:
U+2533 ┳ %A6%B3
assert_equals: expected "%A6%B3" but got ""
- FAIL [expected PASS] subtest:
U+2534 ┴ %A6%AA
str is undefined
- FAIL [expected PASS] subtest:
U+2535 ┵ %A6%D5
str is undefined
- FAIL [expected PASS] subtest:
U+2536 ┶ %A6%D6
str is undefined
- FAIL [expected PASS] subtest:
U+2537 ┷ %A6%BA
str is undefined
- FAIL [expected PASS] subtest:
U+2538 ┸ %A6%BF
str is undefined
- FAIL [expected PASS] subtest:
U+2539 ┹ %A6%D7
str is undefined
- FAIL [expected PASS] subtest:
U+253A ┺ %A6%D8
str is undefined
- FAIL [expected PASS] subtest:
U+253B ┻ %A6%B5
str is undefined
- FAIL [expected PASS] subtest:
U+253C ┼ %A6%AB
str is undefined
- And 390 more unexpected results...
- FAIL [expected PASS] subtest:
- OK
(#34624)- PASS [expected FAIL] subtest:
sec-fetch-storage-access - Not sent to non-trustworthy cross-site destination
- PASS [expected FAIL] subtest:
- OK [expected TIMEOUT]
(#34275)- FAIL [expected TIMEOUT] subtest:
srcdoc history entries: the iframe itself navigates
assert_equals: expected 2 but got 1
- FAIL [expected NOTRUN] subtest:
srcdoc history entries: the container window navigates
promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "TypeError: iframe is null"
- FAIL [expected TIMEOUT] subtest:
- OK
(#34819)- PASS [expected FAIL] subtest:
link click
- PASS [expected FAIL] subtest:
form submission
- PASS [expected FAIL] subtest:
- OK
(#28691)- PASS [expected FAIL] subtest:
load event does not fire on window.open('about:blank')
- PASS [expected FAIL] subtest:
- OK
(#29049)- PASS [expected FAIL] subtest:
Same-origin navigation started from unload handler must be ignored
- PASS [expected FAIL] subtest:
- OK
(#34597)- FAIL [expected PASS] subtest:
Same-Document Referrer from Refresh
assert_equals: original page loads expected "http://web-platform.test:8000/html/browsers/browsing-the-web/navigating-across-documents/refresh/resources/refresh-with-section.sub.html?url=%23section" but got "http://web-platform.test:8000/html/browsers/browsing-the-web/navigating-across-documents/refresh/resources/refresh-with-section.sub.html?url=%23section#section"
- FAIL [expected PASS] subtest:
- OK
(#32595)- PASS [expected FAIL] subtest:
Reloading iframe loading='lazy' before it is loaded: location.reload
- PASS [expected FAIL] subtest:
- CRASH [expected TIMEOUT]
(#24057) - OK [expected TIMEOUT]
(#24066)- FAIL [expected NOTRUN] subtest:
Check that popups from a sandboxed iframe do not escape the sandbox
assert_equals: It came from a sandboxed iframe expected "null" but got "http://web-platform.test:8000"
- FAIL [expected NOTRUN] subtest:
- OK
- FAIL [expected PASS] subtest:
Strings from form controls should be converted to Unicode scalar values in form submission
assert_equals: expected "69 6e 70 75 74 31 ef bf bd 3d 69 6e 70 75 74 31 ef bf bd 0d 0a 69 6e 70 75 74 32 ef bf bd 3d 69 6e 70 75 74 32 ef bf bd 0d 0a 69 6e 70 75 74 33 ef bf bd 3d 69 6e 70 75 74 33 ef bf bd 0d 0a 69 6e 70 75 74 34 ef bf bd 3d 69 6e 70 75 74 34 ef bf bd 0d 0a" but got "\n \n \n option\n \n \n \n\n\n\n\"use strict\";\n\nconst form = document.querySelector(\"form\");\n\nfor (let el of Array.from(form.querySelectorAll(\"input\"))) { // Firefox/Edge support\n el.name = el.id + \"\\uDC01\";\n el.value = el.id + \"\\uDC01\";\n}\n\nconst select = document.querySelector(\"select\");\nselect.name = select.id + \"\\uDC01\";\nselect.firstElementChild.value = select.id + \"\\uDC01\";\n\n"
- FAIL [expected PASS] subtest:
- OK
(#28725)- PASS [expected FAIL] subtest:
multipart/form-data: 0x00 in name (normal form)
- PASS [expected FAIL] subtest:
multipart/form-data: \n in value (normal form)
- PASS [expected FAIL] subtest:
- CRASH [expected OK]
(#31730) - OK
(#23205)- PASS [expected FAIL] subtest:
Check that rel=noopener with target=_self does a normal load
- PASS [expected FAIL] subtest:
- OK
(#33334)- PASS [expected FAIL] subtest:
Reload domComplete > Original domComplete
- PASS [expected FAIL] subtest:
Reload domContentLoadedEventEnd > Original domContentLoadedEventEnd
- PASS [expected FAIL] subtest:
Reload domContentLoadedEventStart > Original domContentLoadedEventStart
- PASS [expected FAIL] subtest:
Reload domInteractive > Original domInteractive
- PASS [expected FAIL] subtest:
Reload fetchStart > Original fetchStart
- PASS [expected FAIL] subtest:
Reload loadEventEnd > Original loadEventEnd
- PASS [expected FAIL] subtest:
Reload loadEventStart > Original loadEventStart
- PASS [expected FAIL] subtest:
- TIMEOUT [expected OK]
(#34773)- TIMEOUT [expected PASS] subtest:
The navigation_id getter does not crash a window of detached frame
Test timed out
- TIMEOUT [expected PASS] subtest:
- TIMEOUT [expected OK]
(#24311)- TIMEOUT [expected PASS] subtest:
Test that iframe navigations are not observable by the parent, even after history navigations by the parent
Test timed out
- NOTRUN [expected PASS] subtest:
Test that crossorigin iframe navigations are not observable by the parent, even after history navigations by the parent
- NOTRUN [expected PASS] subtest:
Test that cross-site iframe navigations are not observable by the parent, even after history navigations by the parent
- NOTRUN [expected PASS] subtest:
Test that iframe navigations are not observable by the parent
- NOTRUN [expected PASS] subtest:
Test that crossorigin iframe navigations are not observable by the parent
- NOTRUN [expected PASS] subtest:
Test that cross-site iframe navigations are not observable by the parent
- NOTRUN [expected PASS] subtest:
Test that iframe refreshes are not observable by the parent
- NOTRUN [expected PASS] subtest:
Test that crossorigin iframe refreshes are not observable by the parent
- NOTRUN [expected PASS] subtest:
Test that cross-site iframe refreshes are not observable by the parent
- TIMEOUT [expected PASS] subtest:
- OK
(#23360)- FAIL [expected PASS] subtest:
XMLHttpRequest: open() resolving URLs (multi-Window; 5)
assert_throws_dom: function "function() {client.open("GET", "...") }" did not throw
- FAIL [expected PASS] subtest:
Stable unexpected results that are known to be intermittent (7)
- FAIL [expected PASS]
(#13731) - PASS [expected FAIL]
(#31559) - OK
(#32732)- PASS [expected FAIL] subtest:
sec-fetch-storage-access - Cross-site
- PASS [expected FAIL] subtest:
- ERROR [expected TIMEOUT]
(#34119) - CRASH [expected TIMEOUT]
(#22647) - OK [expected CRASH]
(#24066)- FAIL [expected NOTRUN] subtest:
Check that popups from a sandboxed iframe do not escape the sandbox
assert_equals: It came from a sandboxed iframe expected "null" but got "http://web-platform.test:8000"
- FAIL [expected NOTRUN] subtest:
- CRASH [expected TIMEOUT]