- System requirements
- Figma design guidelines for better UI accuracy
- Check the UI of the entire app
- Application structure
- How to format your code?
- How you can improve code readability?
- Libraries and tools used
- Support
Dart SDK Version 2.18.0 or greater. Flutter SDK Version 3.3.0 or greater.
Read our guidelines to increase the accuracy of design-to-code conversion by optimizing Figma designs. https://docs.dhiwise.com/docs/Designguidelines/intro
Check the UI of all the app screens from a single place by setting up the 'initialRoute' to AppNavigation in the AppRoutes.dart file.
After successful build, your application structure should look like this:
├── android - It contains files required to run the application on an Android platform.
├── assets - It contains all images and fonts of your application.
├── ios - It contains files required to run the application on an iOS platform.
├── lib - Most important folder in the application, used to write most of the Dart code..
├── main.dart - Starting point of the application
├── core
│ ├── app_export.dart - It contains commonly used file imports
│ ├── constants - It contains all constants classes
│ ├── errors - It contains error handling classes
│ ├── network - It contains network-related classes
│ └── utils - It contains common files and utilities of the application
├── data
│ ├── apiClient - It contains API calling methods
│ ├── models - It contains request/response models
│ └── repository - Network repository
├── localization - It contains localization classes
├── presentation - It contains widgets of the screens with their controllers and the models of the whole application.
├── routes - It contains all the routes of the application
└── theme - It contains app theme and decoration classes
└── widgets - It contains all custom widget classes
- if your code is not formatted then run following command in your terminal to format code
dart format .
Resolve the errors and warnings that are shown in the application.
- get - State management https://pub.dev/packages/get
- connectivity_plus - For status of network connectivity https://pub.dev/packages/connectivity_plus
- shared_preferences - Provide persistent storage for simple data https://pub.dev/packages/shared_preferences
- cached_network_image - For storing internet image into cache https://pub.dev/packages/cached_network_image
If you have any problems or questions, go to our Discord channel, where we will help you as quickly as possible: https://discord.com/invite/tCnjHth7wU