The Wrath & Glory Space Hulk Generator contains a random map generator for Cubicle7's Warhammer 40k role-playing game Wrath & Glory.
Active Development
The code contains the generator as well as a streamlit app for a simple website hosting the generator that can be found here.
A description of the app is given in
An initial analysis of the use cases for the generator is given in
Currently, there is no stand-alone installation. To locally use the project, e.g. for making code changes,
- Install the external dependencies from packages.txt (e.g. the graphviz backend)
- Install the Python dependencies via poetry from pyproject.toml
- Run the app via
poetry run streamlit run
from the repository root
If you have any improvement suggestions or feature requests or if you found bugs, simply open an issue.
Or event better create a pull request (PR) with the recommended code change. If you create a PR, Please make sure to add/update the unittests accordingly.