You'll be able to find here my personal projects, mostly in Python since it is the language I'm the most confident with. I also play a bit with rust.
Here are the most notable ones:
Inspired by the online service "if this then that", the scope of this module is way more humble. It provides utilities to watch for system events such as file apparition in given folders and execute scripts, commands or functions on these events. It has a command line interface that can accept either subcommands with arguments or use a yaml configuration to execute a "complex" workflow of script execution.
Even if better libs exists such as watchdog, it was fun to overengineer this problem and this module is for now the one that represent the best what I'm able to do in terms of code quality (if we disregard the non-existent documentation). It also has the perk of being actually useful in my daily work.
Reinventing the wheet again with a small project involving recursion, something that I rarely have the occasion to work with. The code for this one is also quite clean according to my current standards and look, it has a cool github actions badge ! Pog.
Nothing that a combination of bedtools and samtools can't do, but an internet-less christmas week made me dive into the world of rust.
Here is the follow-up of my first bot, with a more defined goal : plot Covid data while using Discord as a "command-line interface". For this, I had to develop a module that would be able to properly parse the arguments, and allow for a lot of flexibility towards the user. This project involved plotting, dataframes manipulation, web requests, and a bit of linear regression.
This was a school project that I’m pretty proud of, since it is my first real C++ program.
The main things that I learned are:
- The proper usage of header files
- Shortest Path algorithms
- Functional programming in C++
My first and only GUI app, that is probably not working anymore due to API changes, but it was a cool project.
An utility that I had in mind for a while, to keep a trace of my musical playlists on youtube. In its current form, it is hardly usable for anyone else but I'll work on making it more accessible and expand the options (notably give the possibility to download playlists)