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Lunaa edited this page Feb 26, 2022 · 3 revisions

Astro Bot

Short Description: Astro-Bot is a multipurpose discord bot.

Long Description: Astro-Bot is a multipurpose discord bot, with advanced pictures, emojis and commands. Astro Bot provides you with Moderation, Utility, Bot Information, Fun & Misc commands.

What does this wiki provide?

This wiki provides you with information about Astro-Bot, and how to setup and use the Astro-Bot. This wiki also provides you with copyright/legal information of what you can and cannot do with Astro-Bot's code.

What is Astro-Bot

Astro-Bot is a astronaut themed discord bot made for Lunar Network Personally.
Astro-Bot has abunch of utility commands and it's general purpose is moderation & fun.

This is still a work in progress, with alot of commands to be added!

Why should I use this bot or its code?

Well Astro-Bot isn't functionally made for other servers, the code for moderation/admin commands are set to specif Lunar Network roles, which means if you added our bot to your server without hosting it yourself you wouldn't be able to do anything moderation related.

You can use the Astro-Bot code for refernece or to copy some commands for your own bot, YOU MAY NOT COPY THE ASTRO-BOT NAME OR IMAGES. If you are found using Astro-Bots custom images we will ask you to remove them if you don't comply we will take legal action if needed.

If you add the Astro-Bot without hosting it yourself, you wont be able to use the moderation side of things. But you'll be able to use everything else in the bot.