I'm a software engineer with an interest in media technology (particularly streaming), currently working as a consultant at Eyevinn technology in Stockholm; before that, I spent some time at Svergies television building VOD processing services and acting as scrum master, while also helping other teams with sttreaming-related issues. Also had a short stint at Warner Bros. Discovery working with subscriptions in the commerce domain.
- Ad normalizer: A service that sits between your ad server and client, making sure that only creatives that are ready to stream are passed through, and dispatches processing jobs for the ones that aren't. Can respond with VAST as well as HLS interstitial asset lists.
- Encore: While at SVT, I helped build encore, the company's in-house VOD transcoding engine. Can be used for many different transcoding use cases, as it uses FFMPEG under the hood.
- HLS syntax highlighting for VS Code: A simple plugin that adds syntax highlighting for HLS playlists in visual studio code. Hacked together in a workday to make reading manifests easier when developing new features for packaging pipelines.