Jose-Luis Matez-Bandera1, Javier Monroy1 and Javier Gonzalez-Jimenez1
1 Machine Perception and Intelligent Robotics (MAPIR) Group,
Malaga Institute for Mechatronics Engineering and Cyber-Physical Systems (IMECH.UMA).
University of Malaga. Spain.
Citation Installation and Requirements Configuration How to Run Datasets
author={Matez-Bandera, Jose-Luis and Monroy, Javier and Gonzalez-Jimenez, Javier},
journal={IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters},
title={Sigma-FP: Robot Mapping of 3D Floor Plans With an RGB-D Camera Under Uncertainty},
Clone the repository in the /src directory of your ROS workspace:
git clone
Sigma-FP has been released as a ROS package and works with Python 2.7. To install requirements, execute:
cd Sigma-SP
pip install -r requirements.txt
Additionally, it is required to install the following ROS packages:
Build ROS workspace:
cd ~/your_ros_workspace
cd catkin_make
Sigma-FP requires a per-pixel semantic segmentation network to run. We have employed Detectron2, but any other per-pixel semantic segmentation network can be used, although Sigma-FP code will need to be slightly adapted. In case you wish to use Detectron2, we have released our adaptation in the following repository: detectron2_ros_probs. The installation instructions are available in the repository.
Sigma-FP parameters are configured using launch parameters. The configurable parameters are:
# Name of the dataset to use (options: "RobotAtVirtualHome", "OpenLORIS", "Giraff" (this is for MAPIRlab) - leave empty for custom dataset)
<param name="dataset" value="Giraff"/>
# Topic where the RGB image is published
<param name="topic_cameraRGB" value="camera_down/rgb/image_raw/compressed"/>
# Topic where the Depth image is published
<param name="topic_cameraDepth" value="/camera_down/depth/image"/>
# Topic where the CNN results are published
<param name="topic_result" value="ViMantic/Detections"/>
# Topic where the CNN expects to receive the input image
<param name="topic_republic" value="ViMantic/ToCNN"/>
# Topic where the CNN publish the image including detections
<param name="topic_cnn" value="detectron2_ros/result"/>
# Debug option
<param name="debug" value="false"/>
# Image width
<param name="image_width" value="640"/>
# Image height
<param name="image_height" value="480"/>
# Intrinsic parameters of the camera
<param name="camera_cx" value="318.2640075683594"/>
<param name="camera_cy" value="237.88600158691406"/>
<param name="camera_fx" value="510.3919982910156"/>
<param name="camera_fy" value="510.3919982910156"/>
# Max range of the depth camera
<param name="camera_depth_max_range" value="10.0"/>
# Number of desired point to downsample each input point cloud
<param name="points_in_pcd" value="4000"/>
# Minimum number of points to accept a planar patch as a candidate
<param name="min_points_plane" value="100"/>
# Minimum width (in meters) of a planar patch to accept it as a candidate
<param name="min_plane_width" value="0.6"/>
# Minimum number of pixels to consider a region as a opening in the image plane
<param name="min_px_opening" value="8000"/>
# Threshold for the statistical distance of Bhattacharyya
<param name="bhattacharyya_threshold" value="7"/>
# Threshold for the minimum euclidean distance between walls (in meters)
<param name="euclidean_threshold" value="0.3"/>
# Epsilon for DBSCAN of the azimuth angle of the plane (in radians)
<param name="eps_alpha" value="1.0"/>
# Epsilon for DBSCAN of the elevation angle of the plane (in radians)
<param name="eps_beta" value="10.0"/>
# Epsilon for DBSCAN of the plane-to-origin distance (in meters)
<param name="eps_dist" value="0.02"/>
First, run the semantic segmentation neural network. For example, if you are using our recommended neural network (Detectron2), first you need to activate the virtual environment:
workon detectron2_ros
Then, execute the launch file:
roslaunch detectron2_ros panoptic_detectron2_ros.launch
Once the semantic segmentation network is ready, you can run Sigma-FP as follows*:
roslaunch sigmafp MAPIRlab.launch
*Note that it is an example with the MAPIRlab dataset. For custom data, please create a launch file following the examples given in the launch directory.
If you are interested in reproducing results, please contact us at [email protected] to provide the employed datasets.