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Refactor top-level functions into a utils module and begin adding tes… (
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* Refactor top-level functions into a utils module and begin adding tests and docs

* More WIP refactoring

* Some sanity checks with the old code
  • Loading branch information
ml-evs authored Aug 17, 2023
1 parent 710222f commit 1485560
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199 changes: 0 additions & 199 deletions src/PASCal/
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@@ -1,199 +0,0 @@
import numpy as np

def Round(var, dec):
# Rounding the number to desired decimal places
# round() is more accurate at rounding float numbers than np.round()
if var.ndim == 0:
var = round(var, dec)
if var.ndim == 1:
for i in range(var.shape[0]):
var[i] = round(var[i], dec)
if var.ndim == 2:
for i in range(var.shape[0]):
for j in range(var.shape[1]):
var[i][j] = round(var[i][j], dec)
if var.ndim == 3:
for i in range(var.shape[0]):
for j in range(var.shape[1]):
for k in range(var.shape[2]):
var[i][j][k] = round(var[i][j][k], dec)
if var.ndim < 0:
raise TypeError(var, " has incorrect dimensions in rounding")
if var.ndim > 3:
raise TypeError(var, " has incorrect dimensions in rounding")
return var

def Orthomat(Latt):
# Compute the corresponding change-of-basis transformation (square matrix M) in E = M x A
# Latt: a b c alpha beta gamma (Angstrom, degrees)
orth = np.zeros((np.shape(Latt)[0], 3, 3))
alpha = Latt[:, 3] * (np.pi / 180)
beta = Latt[:, 4] * (np.pi / 180)
gamma = Latt[:, 5] * (np.pi / 180)
gaS = np.arccos(
(np.cos(alpha) * np.cos(beta) - np.cos(gamma)) / (np.sin(alpha) * np.sin(beta))
orth[:, 0, 0] = 1 / (Latt[:, 0] * np.sin(beta) * np.sin(gaS))
orth[:, 1, 0] = np.cos(gaS) / (Latt[:, 1] * np.sin(alpha) * np.sin(gaS))
orth[:, 2, 0] = (
np.cos(alpha) * np.cos(gaS) / np.sin(alpha) + np.cos(beta) / np.sin(beta)
) / (-1 * Latt[:, 2] * np.sin(gaS))
orth[:, 1, 1] = 1 / (Latt[:, 1] * np.sin(alpha))
orth[:, 2, 1] = -1 * np.cos(alpha) / (Latt[:, 2] * np.sin(alpha))
orth[:, 2, 2] = 1 / Latt[:, 2]

return orth

def CellVol(LattPam):
# Calculate the unit-cell volume
# Lattice parameters a b c al be ga (Angstrom, degrees)
vol = np.zeros((LattPam.shape[0]))
for i in range(0, LattPam.shape[0]):
Latt = LattPam[i]
vol[i] = (
* Latt[1]
* Latt[2]
* (
(1 - np.cos(Latt[3] * (np.pi / 180)) ** 2)
- (np.cos(Latt[4] * (np.pi / 180)) ** 2)
- (np.cos(Latt[5] * (np.pi / 180)) ** 2)
+ (
* np.cos(Latt[3] * (np.pi / 180))
* np.cos(Latt[4] * (np.pi / 180))
* np.cos(Latt[5] * (np.pi / 180))
** (0.5)
return vol

def EmpEq(TP, Epsilon0, lambdaP, Pc, Nu):
# Empirical fit for pressure input data
# TP: pressure data points, numpy array
# Epsilon0: strain at critical pressure
# lambdaP: compressibility (GPa^-nu)
# Pc: critical pressure (GPa)
# Nu: rate of stiffening 0.5
return Epsilon0 + (lambdaP * ((TP - Pc) ** Nu))

def Comp(TP, lambdaP, Pc, Nu):
# Calculate the compressibility from the derivative -de/dp
return -lambdaP * Nu * ((TP - Pc) ** (Nu - 1))

def CompErr(Pcov, TP, lambdaP, Pc, Nu):
# Calculate errors in compressibilities
# Pcov: the estimated covariance of optimal values of the empirical parameters

Jac = np.zeros((4, TP.shape[0])) # jacobian matrix
KErr = np.zeros(TP.shape[0])
for n in range(0, len(TP)):
Jac[0][n] = 0
Jac[1][n] = ((TP[n] - Pc) ** (Nu - 1)) * Nu
Jac[2][n] = -1 * lambdaP * Nu * (Nu - 1) * (TP[n] - Pc) ** (Nu - 2)
Jac[3][n] = (Nu * np.log(TP[n] - Pc) + 1) * ((TP[n] - Pc) ** (Nu - 1)) * lambdaP
KErrPoint = 0
for j in range(0, 4):
for i in range(0, 4):
KErrPoint = KErrPoint + Jac[j][n] * Jac[i][n] * Pcov[j][i]
KErr[n] = KErrPoint ** 0.5
return KErr

def Eta(V, V0):
# Defining the parameter to be used in Birch-Murnaghan equations of state
# V: unit-cell volume at a pressure point
# V0: the zero pressure unit-cell volume
return np.abs(V0 / V) ** (1 / 3)

def SecBM(V, V0, B):
# The second-order Birch-Murnaghan fit corresponding the equation of state
# V: unit-cell volume at a pressure point (Angstrom^3)
# V0: the zero pressure unit-cell volume (Angstrom^3)
# B: Bulk modulus (GPa)
return (3 / 2) * B * (Eta(V, V0) ** 7 - Eta(V, V0) ** 5)

def ThirdBM(V, V0, B0, Bprime):
# The third-order Birch-Murnaghan fit corresponding the equation of state
# V: unit-cell volume at a pressure point (Angstrom^3)
# V0: the zero pressure unit-cell volume (Angstrom^3)
# B0: Bulk modulus at zero pressure (GPa)
# Bprime: pressure derivative of the bulk modulus (dimensionless)
return (
/ 2
* B0
* (Eta(V, V0) ** 7 - Eta(V, V0) ** 5)
* (1 + 3 / 4 * (Bprime - 4) * (Eta(V, V0) ** 2 - 1))

def ThirdBMPc(V, V0, B0, Bprime, Pc):
# The third-order Birch-Murnaghan fit corresponding the equation of state
# V: unit-cell volume at a pressure point (Angstrom^3)
# V0: the zero pressure unit-cell volume (Angstrom^3)
# B0: Bulk modulus at zero pressure (GPa)
# Bprime: pressure derivative of the bulk modulus (dimensionless)
# Pc: critical pressure (GPa)
return (Eta(V, V0) ** 5) * (
- 1 / 2 * ((3 * B0) - (5 * Pc)) * (1 - (Eta(V, V0) ** 2))
+ (9 / 8)
* B0
* (Bprime - 4 + (35 * Pc) / (9 * B0))
* (1 - (Eta(V, V0) ** 2)) ** 2

def WrapperThirdBMPc(InpPc):
# Allows ThirdBMPc to be fitted using curve_fit() with InpPc as a constant
# InpPc: input critical pressure (GPa)
def TempFunc(V, V0, B0, Bprime, Pc=InpPc):
return ThirdBMPc(V, V0, B0, Bprime, Pc)

return TempFunc

def NormCRAX(CalCrax, PrinComp):
# Normalise the crystallographic axes for the indicatrix plot
# CalCrax: calculated crystallogrphic axes
# PrinComp: eigenvalues
NormCrax = np.zeros((3, 3))
maxalpha = np.abs(max(PrinComp[0], PrinComp[1], PrinComp[2]))
lens = np.zeros(3)
for i in range(0, 3):
lenIn = 0
for j in range(0, 3):
lenIn += CalCrax[i][j] ** 2
lens[i] = lenIn ** 0.5
maxlen = max(lens)

for i in range(0, 3): # normalise the axes
NormCrax[i] = CalCrax[i] * maxalpha / maxlen
return NormCrax

def Indicatrix(PrinComp):
# Indicatrix plot
# PrinComp: Eigenvalues
theta, phi = np.linspace(0, np.pi, 100), np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 2 * 100)
THETA, PHI = np.meshgrid(theta, phi)
maxIn = np.amax(np.abs(PrinComp))
R = (
PrinComp[0] * (np.sin(THETA) * np.cos(PHI)) ** 2
+ PrinComp[1] * (np.sin(THETA) * np.sin(PHI)) ** 2
+ PrinComp[2] * (np.cos(THETA) ** 2)
X = R * np.sin(THETA) * np.cos(PHI)
Y = R * np.sin(THETA) * np.sin(PHI)
Z = R * np.cos(THETA)
return maxIn, R, X, Y, Z

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