This project is a personal website of Marcin Jarosz.
In order to run this project, you will need to have node.js (v18+), npm and vite installed. After that, all the dependencies can be installed using npm install in the project directory.
The app can be run locally using 'npm run dev' in the project directory and then accessed on localhost:5173/ in the browser.
- blog and tile page with links to social media
- about page with contact details
- portfolio
- React 18 with TypeScript and Vite
- React Router
- npm as package manager
- Tailwind CSS and DaisyUI for the UI components styling
- The website is deployed on using Vercel
Projects and blog posts are currently stored in JSON files within the project. In the future, as the website grows, they should be moved to an external database.
The project testing and documentation, as well as accessability could be improved