Easy to use Translation Framework for Mods or other Projects
Init(string environement, string locale);
EasyTranslate.EasyTranslate easyTrans = new EasyTranslate.EasyTranslate();
easyTrans.Init("ch.easy.develope.vh.diving.mod", "EN_en");
setLocales(Dictionary<string, string> dict);
Define all the locales u want to translate
var locales = new Dictionary<string, string>();
locales.Add("EN", "en");
locales.Add("DE", "de");
locales.Add("RU", "ru");
SetupKeys(string key, string translation);
This will generate foreach locale a template including your keys and values in your initialized locale (in this example "EN_en)".
The templates are located at "< Assambly Location >/< environement >/< locale >/translation.txt"
Key/Value seperator is "=/="
Go to next key is seperated by "=NL="
You can use linebreaks in your translation strings.
var translation = new Dictionary<string, string>();
translation.Add("main_class_title", "Im a title!");
translation.Add("main_class_btn_txt", "Im a button text");
translation.Add("main_class_description", "Im on the first line \n Im on the second line");
Init(string key, string default_value);
default_value is by defualt empty and fires when the key was not found. but you can define one by adding a second param.