Unity SDK needed to access data from VR-Shield board over Bluetooth
- clone the required assets(5 scripts) into your projects /Assets/ folder
- boot Unity.
- Create an empty game object called "PortManager"
- drag and drop the script "Port Manager" into that object
- File->Build Settings->Player Settings...->Configuration->Player->Api Compatibility Level: Set to ".NET Framework" (Not .NET Standard 2.x)
- Save your project
- Congratulation, the SDK is installed now
- To manage and create MCU boards or individual sensors click on the "Ports Manager" game object and use the dropdown menus.
- Each board is adressed by a number between 00 and 99
- Each sensor is adressed by the type(specified by three capital letters) and a number between 00 and 03(e.g. MPU01)
- Additionally custom designations can be assigned to that fixed adress for both the board and sensors
Since information has to be returned if some functions are called they have to be provided with a sufficient buffer array. This also means that if you request 6 values but only provide an array with length 3, only the first 3 values will be filled in.
Gets the value of device based on the data type. IMPORTANT!: Filtered values are calculated using the gliding average method and only for currently active devices. If a previously inactive device is asked for a filtered value it will first return an unfiltered value and activate the filter task. If a second value is requested before the task times out(currently a 10 second window) an actually filtered value will be returned. Example:
short[] buffer = {0,0,0};
This would return the 3rd to 6th value the sensor provides, in this case the accelerometer values of an IMU
Data types:
- all-filtered: as many data values as the sensor provides but filtered through gliding average
- all-raw: as many data values as the sensor provides but unfiltered straight from the sensor(could have a higher delay since fresh value has to be fetched)
- first-filtered: first three data values from the sensor, filtered in the same manner as "all-filtered"
- second-filtered: second three data...
- third-filtered: ...
Sets a value to an actuator and confirms the interaction through a reaction message
This device is set to its max. value(0xff)
Scans for sister/brother devices on the same board as the device mentioned. Then returns their current virtual IDs in Byte format(see table below)
short[] buffer;
Returns the byte address of every interactable connected to the same MCU as this device
AdressByte = DeviceNibble << 4 + NumberNibble
0 | 1 | 2 | 3
Number Nibble:
0 | 1 | 2 | 3