Faces for webtrees
This module provides an easy way to mark people on a group photo.
All data is stored in the database and can't be exported as part of GEDCOM files.
Same as webtrees#system-requirements.
Works with 2.1.11 version and bundled themes.
- Make a backup of the database
- Download the latest release
- Upload the downloaded file to your web server
- Unzip the package into your
directory - Rename the folder to
For webtrees 1.7.x, you can use version 2.2.1.
For webtrees 2.0.x, you can use version 2.6.8.
To mark people on an image, click the plus (+) button, select area around their face, then enter either their ID for those on the tree, or their name if they are not on the tree.
Module can show Google Picasa face tags.
This feature is disabled by default. To enable go to the module settings and check "Read XMP data".
Read more:
If you wish import data from MyHeritage Family Tree Builder please check out this additional script miqrogroove/face-tag-import.
- Delete relation to individuals
- Import/export module data
- Import from MyHeritage Family Tree Builder (#1714, #2358)
An image/ photo must be attached to a FACT/EVENT only needs to be attached to ONE person
Put a date or just a year in the Date field of the Fact object attach a Media object to the fact save
you can all add a note to the FACT and also add a place to the fact
once the face has been tagged it will display the age when you mouse over base on date of birth - date in the FACT (should be date it was taken)
My logic think is if they are not dead dont show the lifeSpan
and if they are dead it will show there age plus there lifeSpan
if person missing date of birth it still you if date missing in fact it tell you
This got me thinking with old Documents that have been scan in you can face-tag them
make it easyie