RDFCraft is a tool for mapping csv/json data to RDF with an easy to use GUI. It uses FastAPI for the backend, React for the frontend and everything packed in a single executable using Nuitka.
Easy to use GUI: Just upload your csv/json file and start mapping your data to RDF.
Ontology Indexing: It indexes all the classes and properties from the provided ontology and provides recommendations while mapping.
Source Indexing: It indexes all the columns from the provided csv/json file and provides recommendations while mapping.
Auto Completion: It provides auto completion while creating URIs for entities.
Multiple file formats: Supports both csv and json file formats.
Multiple RML formats: It generates both YARRRML and RML mappings.
Latest Java Runtime Environment (JRE) or Java Development Kit (JDK) to use the RMLMapper
- This is required to generate RML mappings.
For MacOS, you need system version 15.0(Sequoia) or later to run the executable.
From Releases page, download the latest release for your OS and extract the contents if it is compressed. Run the executable and you are good to go.
On macOS, because app is not notarized by Apple, you need to run following command to bypass the gatekeeper:
xattr -rd com.apple.quarantine </path/to/RDFCraft.app>
More information about gatekeeper can be found here.
Build the Docker Image:
docker build -t rdfcraft .
Start the container in detached mode with a custom name:
docker run --name rdfcraft -d -p 8080:8000 rdfcraft
This maps port 8000 inside the container to 8080 on your local machine.
After running the container, the application will be available at: http://localhost:8080
You can find a detailed guide on how to use RDFCraft in the Guide section.
You can either use Codespaces or a local devcontainer to start developing.
For Codespaces, just open the repository in Codespaces and you are good to go.
For local devcontainer, you need to have Docker installed on your machine. Then clone the repository and run the following command and open the repository in VSCode. It should prompt you to open the repository in a devcontainer.
Or you can use Command Palette (Ctrl/Command+Shift+P) and search for
Dev Container: Reopen in Container
1- Clone the repository:
git clone [email protected]:MaastrichtU-IDS/RDFCraft.git
2- Install the dependencies for the backend:
- If you have
just install-dev
- Otherwise:
uv sync --all-extras --dev
3- Install the dependencies for the frontend:
cd app
npm install
4- Create .env
file in the root directory and add the following:
5- Start the backend
uvicorn server.server:app --reload
6- Start the frontend
cd app
npm run dev