#BlueGin# BlueGin is a speedy minimalist Java game engine. No fancy physics or anything, but a nice rendering framework, asset management, etc. (maybe some gui stuff). It even handles all the dumb LWJGL extensions, versions, and annoying loading/binding/shit.
Plus the deferred shading looks nice AND you can feel free to not use it.
Unfortunately, it is very very minimalist right now. I mean, parts of it exist in some of my other projects (see the above teapots), but the library is still in the works.
#Contributing# Feel free.
##How to Build##
- Run
./gradlew build
- Your .jar file is in build/libs/
##Eclipse Setup##
- Create your workspace
- Run
./gradlew eclipse
- Import the now created project (
file->import->general->existing projects into workspace
The two main source sets are src/main
which contains the main BlueGin code and src/gen
which is used for automatically generating the boring classes. Gradle should resolve the dependencies just fine, but eclipse will complain at you for using the generated code until you run gradlew genCode
and refresh your project.