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Merge pull request #50 from MagneticResonanceImaging/Toeplitz->NFFT.jl
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Toeplitz >nfft.jl
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tknopp authored Jan 20, 2022
2 parents 6d40ef7 + a2f2a4a commit 355a5c8
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Showing 2 changed files with 115 additions and 128 deletions.
174 changes: 63 additions & 111 deletions src/Operators/NFFTOp.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,35 +17,39 @@ mutable struct NFFTOp{T} <: AbstractLinearOperator{T}
allocated5 :: Bool
Mv5 :: Vector{T}
Mtu5 :: Vector{T}
toeplitz :: Bool

NFFTOp(shape::Tuple, tr::Trajectory; nodes=nothing, kargs...)
NFFTOp(shape::Tuple, tr::Trajectory; kargs...)
NFFTOp(shape::Tuple, tr::AbstractMatrix; kargs...)
generates a `NFFTOp` which evaluates the MRI Fourier signal encoding operator using the NFFT.
# Arguments:
* `shape::NTuple{D,Int64}` - size of image to encode/reconstruct
* `tr::Trajectory` - Trajectory with the kspace nodes to sample
* `tr` - Either a `Trajectory` object, or a `ND x Nsamples` matrix for an ND-dimenensional (e.g. 2D or 3D) NFFT with `Nsamples` k-space samples
* (`nodes=nothing`) - Array containg the trajectory nodes (redundant)
* (`kargs`) - additional keyword arguments
* (`kargs`) - additional keyword arguments
function NFFTOp(shape::Tuple, tr; nodes=nothing, toeplitz=false,
oversamplingFactor=1.25, kernelSize=3, kargs...)
nodes==nothing ? nodes=kspaceNodes(tr) : nothing
# plan = NFFTPlan(nodes, shape, m=kernelSize, σ=oversamplingFactor, precompute=NFFT.FULL)
plan = plan_nfft(nodes, shape, m=kernelSize, σ=oversamplingFactor, precompute=NFFT.FULL)
function NFFTOp(shape::Tuple, tr::AbstractMatrix{T}; toeplitz=false, oversamplingFactor=1.25, kernelSize=3, kargs...) where {T}

return NFFTOp{ComplexF64}(size(nodes,2), prod(shape), false, false
plan = plan_nfft(tr, shape, m=kernelSize, σ=oversamplingFactor, precompute=NFFT.FULL)

return NFFTOp{Complex{T}}(size(tr,2), prod(shape), false, false
, (res,x) -> (res .= produ(plan,x))
, nothing
, (res,y) -> (res .= ctprodu(plan,y))
, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, ComplexF64[], ComplexF64[]
, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, Complex{T}[], Complex{T}[]
, plan, toeplitz)

function NFFTOp(shape::Tuple, tr::Trajectory; toeplitz=false, oversamplingFactor=1.25, kernelSize=3, kargs...)
return NFFTOp(shape, kspaceNodes(tr); toeplitz=toeplitz, oversamplingFactor=oversamplingFactor, kernelSize=kernelSize, kargs...)

function produ(plan::NFFT.NFFTPlan, x::Vector{T}) where T<:Union{Real,Complex}
y = nfft(plan,reshape(x[:],plan.N))
return vec(y)
Expand All @@ -57,136 +61,84 @@ function ctprodu(plan::NFFT.NFFTPlan, y::Vector{T}) where T<:Union{Real,Complex}

function Base.copy(S::NFFTOp)
function Base.copy(S::NFFTOp{T}) where {T}
plan = copy(S.plan)
return NFFTOp{ComplexF64}(size(plan.x,2), prod(plan.N), false, false
return NFFTOp{T}(size(plan.x,2), prod(plan.N), false, false
, (res,x) -> (res .= produ(plan,x))
, nothing
, (res,y) -> (res .= ctprodu(plan,y))
, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, ComplexF64[], ComplexF64[]
, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, T[], T[]
, plan, S.toeplitz)

### Normal Matrix Code ###

struct NFFTNormalOp{S,D}

### Toeplitz Operator ###
struct Toeplitz_NormalOp{T,D,W}

function Base.copy(S::NFFTNormalOp)
fftplan = plan_fft(zeros(ComplexF64, Tuple(2*collect(S.shape)));flags=FFTW.MEASURE)
ifftplan = plan_ifft(zeros(ComplexF64, Tuple(2*collect(S.shape)));flags=FFTW.MEASURE)
return NFFTNormalOp(S.shape, S.weights, fftplan, ifftplan, S.λ, S.xL)

function Base.size(S::NFFTNormalOp)
return S.shape

function Base.size(S::NFFTNormalOp, dim)
return S.shape[dim]
function Toeplitz_NormalOp(S::NFFTOp{T}, W::UniformScaling=I) where {T}
shape = S.plan.N

function LinearAlgebra.mul!(x, S::NFFTNormalOp, b)
x .= S * b
return x
# plan the FFTs
fftplan = plan_fft( zeros(T, 2 .* shape);flags=FFTW.MEASURE)
ifftplan = plan_ifft(zeros(T, 2 .* shape);flags=FFTW.MEASURE)

λ = calculateToeplitzKernel(shape, S.plan.x; m = S.plan.params.m, σ = S.plan.params.σ, window = S.plan.params.window, LUTSize = S.plan.params.LUTSize, fftplan = fftplan)

function NFFTNormalOp(S::NFFTOp, W)
shape = S.plan.N
weights = W*ones(S.nrow)
xL1 = Array{T}(undef, 2 .* shape)
xL2 = similar(xL1)

λ, ft, ift = diagonalizeOp(S.plan, weights)
xL = zeros(ComplexF64,2*shape[1], 2*shape[2])

return NFFTNormalOp(shape, W, ft, ift, λ, xL)
return Toeplitz_NormalOp(shape, W, fftplan, ifftplan, λ, xL1, xL2)

function SparsityOperators.normalOperator(S::NFFTOp, W=I)
function SparsityOperators.normalOperator(S::NFFTOp, W::UniformScaling=I)
if S.toeplitz
return NFFTNormalOp(S,W)
return Toeplitz_NormalOp(S,W)
return NormalOp(S,W)

function Base.:*(S::NFFTNormalOp, x::AbstractVector{T}) where T
shape = S.shape

# xL = zeros(T,Tuple(2*collect(shape)))
# xL[1:shape[1],1:shape[2]] = x
# λ = reshape(S.λ,Tuple(2*collect(shape)))

# y = (S.ifftplan*( λ.*(S.fftplan*xL)))[1:shape[1],1:shape[2]]

S.xL .= 0
S.xL[1:shape[1],1:shape[2]] .= reshape(x,shape)
λ = reshape(S.λ,Tuple(2*collect(shape)))

y = (S.ifftplan*( λ.*(S.fftplan*S.xL)))[1:shape[1],1:shape[2]]

return vec(y)
function SparsityOperators.normalOperator(S::NFFTOp, W)
if S.toeplitz
@warn "Topelitz with non-Uniform scaling is currently not implemented. Using a non-Toeplitz implemenation instead."
return NormalOp(S,W)

function diagonalizeOp(p::NFFT.NFFTPlan, weights=nothing)
shape = p.N
nodes = p.x

# plan the FFTs
fftplan = plan_fft(zeros(ComplexF64, Tuple(2*collect(shape)));flags=FFTW.MEASURE)
ifftplan = plan_ifft(zeros(ComplexF64, Tuple(2*collect(shape)));flags=FFTW.MEASURE)

# calculate first column of block Toeplitz matrix
e1 = zeros(ComplexF64,shape)
e1[1] = 1.
firstCol = nfft_adjoint(p, nfft(p,e1)[:].*weights)
firstCol = reshape(firstCol, shape)

# calculate first rows of the leftmost Toeplitz blocks
p2 = plan_nfft([-1,1].*nodes, shape, m=3, σ=1.25)
firstRow = nfft_adjoint(p2, nfft(p2,e1)[:].*weights)
firstRow = reshape(firstRow, shape)

# construct FT matrix of the eigenvalues
# here a row and column in the center is filled with zeros.
# this is done to ensure that the FFT can operate
# on arrays with even size in each dimension
eigMat = zeros(ComplexF64, Tuple(2*collect(shape)))
eigMat[1:shape[1], 1:shape[2]] .= firstCol
eigMat[shape[1]+2:end, 1:shape[2]] .= firstRow[end:-1:2,:]
eigMat[1:shape[1], shape[2]+2:end] .= conj.(firstRow[:,end:-1:2])
eigMat[shape[1]+2:end, shape[2]+2:end] .= conj.(firstCol[end:-1:2,end:-1:2])

return vec(fftplan*eigMat), fftplan, ifftplan
function LinearAlgebra.mul!(y, S::Toeplitz_NormalOp, b)
S.xL1 .= 0
b = reshape(b, S.shape)

S.xL1[CartesianIndices(b)] .= b
mul!(S.xL2, S.fftplan, S.xL1)
S.xL2 .*= S.λ
mul!(S.xL1, S.ifftplan, S.xL2)

y .= vec(S.xL1[CartesianIndices(b)])
return y

# calculate the matrix element A_{j,k} explicitely
# function getMatrixElement(j::Int, k::Int, shape::Tuple, nodes::Matrix; weights=nothing)
# elem=0.
# x = k
# y = j
# if weights != nothing
# for i=1:size(nodes,2)
# elem += exp( -2*pi*1im*(nodes[1,i]*x + nodes[2,i]*y) )*weights[i]
# end
# else
# for i=1:size(nodes,2)
# elem += exp( -2*pi*1im*(nodes[1,i]*(x-shape[1]) + nodes[2,i]*(y-shape[2])) )
# end
# end
Base.:*(S::Toeplitz_NormalOp, b::AbstractVector) = mul!(similar(b), S, b)
Base.size(S::Toeplitz_NormalOp) = S.shape
Base.size(S::Toeplitz_NormalOp, dim) = S.shape[dim]
Base.eltype(::Type{Toeplitz_NormalOp{T,D,W}}) where {T,D,W} = T

# return elem
# end
function Base.copy(A::Toeplitz_NormalOp{T,D,W}) where {T,D,W}
fftplan = plan_fft( zeros(T, 2 .* A.shape); flags=FFTW.MEASURE)
ifftplan = plan_ifft(zeros(T, 2 .* A.shape); flags=FFTW.MEASURE)
return Toeplitz_NormalOp(A.shape, A.weights, fftplan, ifftplan, A.λ, A.xL1, A.xL2)
69 changes: 52 additions & 17 deletions test/testOperators.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
using SparsityOperators

# test FourierOperators
function testFT(N=16)
# random image
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -26,10 +28,36 @@ function testFT(N=16)
y_exp = F_exp*vec(x)
y_adj_exp = adjoint(F_exp) * vec(x)

@test (norm(y-y_nfft)/norm(y)) < 1e-2
@test (norm(y_adj-y_adj_nfft)/norm(y_adj)) < 1e-2
@test (norm(y-y_exp)/norm(y)) < 1e-2
@test (norm(y_adj-y_adj_exp)/norm(y_adj)) < 1e-2
@test y y_nfft rtol = 1e-2
@test y y_exp rtol = 1e-2
@test y_adj y_adj_nfft rtol = 1e-2
@test y_adj y_adj_exp rtol = 1e-2

# test AHA w/o Toeplitz
F_nfft.toeplitz = false
AHA = SparsityOperators.normalOperator(F_nfft)
y_AHA_nfft = AHA * vec(x)
y_AHA = F' * F * vec(x)
@test y_AHA y_AHA_nfft rtol = 1e-2

# test AHA with Toeplitz
F_nfft.toeplitz = true
AHA = SparsityOperators.normalOperator(F_nfft)
y_AHA_nfft = AHA * vec(x)
y_AHA_nfft = adjoint(F_nfft) * F_nfft * vec(x)
y_AHA = F' * F * vec(x)
@test y_AHA y_AHA_nfft rtol = 1e-2

# test type stability;
# TODO: Ensure type stability for Trajectory objects and test here
nodes = Float32.(tr.nodes)
F_nfft = NFFTOp((N,N),nodes,symmetrize=false)

y_nfft = F_nfft * vec(ComplexF32.(x))
y_adj_nfft = adjoint(F_nfft) * vec(ComplexF32.(x))

@test Complex{eltype(nodes)} === eltype(y_nfft)
@test Complex{eltype(nodes)} === eltype(y_adj_nfft)

function testFT3d(N=12)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -59,21 +87,28 @@ function testFT3d(N=12)
y_exp = F_exp*vec(x)
y_adj_exp = adjoint(F_exp) * vec(x)

relError = (norm(y-y_exp)/norm(y))
println("Relative error ExplicitOp: ", relError)
@test relError< 1e-2
relError = (norm(y_adj-y_adj_exp)/norm(y_adj))
println("Relative error adj. ExplicitOp: ", relError)
@test relError< 1e-2
relError = (norm(y-y_nfft)/norm(y))
println("Relative error NFFT: ", relError)
@test relError < 1e-2
relError = (norm(y_adj-y_adj_nfft)/norm(y_adj))
println("Relative error adj. NFFT: ", relError)
@test relError< 1e-2
@test y y_exp rtol = 1e-2
@test y y_nfft rtol = 1e-2
@test y_adj y_adj_exp rtol = 1e-2
@test y_adj y_adj_nfft rtol = 1e-2

# test AHA w/o Toeplitz
F_nfft.toeplitz = false
AHA = SparsityOperators.normalOperator(F_nfft)
y_AHA_nfft = AHA * vec(x)
y_AHA = F' * F * vec(x)
@test y_AHA y_AHA_nfft rtol = 1e-2

# test AHA with Toeplitz
F_nfft.toeplitz = true
AHA = SparsityOperators.normalOperator(F_nfft)
y_AHA_nfft = AHA * vec(x)
y_AHA_nfft = adjoint(F_nfft) * F_nfft * vec(x)
y_AHA = F' * F * vec(x)
@test y_AHA y_AHA_nfft rtol = 1e-2

# test FieldmapNFFTOp
## test FieldmapNFFTOp
function testFieldmapFT(N=16)
# random image
x = zeros(ComplexF64,N,N)
Expand Down

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