MRIReco v0.8.0
Merged pull requests:
- add other coil compressions (#131) (@aTrotier)
- Make minimal header of Raw consistent with Acq Data encoding size + type check for ISMRMRD encodedFOV (#134) (@alexjaffray)
- raw.encodedFOV in mm and acq.fov in meter (#137) (@aTrotier)
- Draft PR in order to use different number of profiles between contrast / repetition (#139) (@aTrotier)
- Add noise uncorrelation (data pre-whitening) before the reconstruction (#140) (@Laura2305)
- Noise decorrelation implementation for multiCoilMultiEcho reconstruction (#141) (@Laura2305)
- correct dimension input for non-square matrix (#144) (@aTrotier)
- Fix sensitivity op (#145) (@JakobAsslaender)
- Migrate from SnoopPrecompile to PrecompileTools (#147) (@timholy)
- Draft for discussion : Subspace implementation (#148) (@aTrotier)
- CompatHelper: bump compat for RegularizedLeastSquares to 0.10, (keep existing compat) (#151) (@github-actions[bot])
- Fix fieldmap nfft copy (#153) (@alexjaffray)
- Fix espirit for odd matrix sizes (#156) (@SebastianFlassbeck)
- Implement reconstruction for Bruker PV360 (#158) (@aTrotier)
Closed issues:
- Huge Package Split (#119)
- add Coil Compression methods (#122)
- voxel_size units in saveImage (#126)
- MRIFieldmaps.jl (working title) (#132)
- Different number of profiles between repetitions / contrasts (#138)
- AcquisitionData(kspace) is not working for rectangular kspace (#143)
- Conversion / reconstruction of multi-echo data converted from kspace to acquisitionData failed (#150)
- Copying (FieldmapNFFTOp) (#152)
- Implement tests for multiEcho reconstruction (#154)
- MRIHub : MRIReco.jl (#159)