Planning Poker
- Retro now provides a page for planning poker sessions
- The person starting the session is the moderator, the rest joining are participants
- Every person who joins the session will have its own card where it can provide an estimation for an user story
- The moderator can set the current user story for estimation by providing the title and optionally an URL to the user story
- Initially all cards are red, meaning the user did not vote. When a user votes, the card turns green.
Blur columns independently
- Moderators can now blur columns independently, by clicking the triple dot button on a column
- Special thanks to 2mawi2 for realizing this feature! ❤️
Share session button
- The toolbar got an additional button for sharing a session
- Previously users had to manually copy the URL for sharing the session. This button will now automatically copy the URL to the clipboard when clicked
- Backend refactoring
- Backend got refactored to TypeScript
- Drop yarn
- Retro now uses
as the default package manager
- Retro now uses
- rmby
- Storage clean up is now handled by the
- Storage clean up is now handled by the
- Styling for buttons on the toolbar
- There was a delete endpoint that was being used for tests. Since we will rethink the whole point of testing Retro, we currently don't need this endpoint anymore