A Vite plugin to let you use +
, -
, *
, /
, %
with TSL Node in your Threejs project making the code more consise and easy to write, re-write & read.
For example instead of:
return float(1).sub(alpha.mul(color.r))
You can now write :
return 1 - ( alpha * color.r )
pnpm i vite-plugin-tsl-operator
Add the plugin to your Vite config :
import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
import tslOperatorPlugin from 'vite-plugin-tsl-operator'
export default defineConfig({
plugins: [
//.. other plugins
by default) : will log the transformations in the console

It traverse your code and look for Fn
, then transform it to methods chaining code ( as if you write TSL without this plugin )
It works only inside a Fn()
to not mess up the rest of your code
const opacity = uniform(0) //will not be parsed
//will be parsed
return opacity * 3 * distance( positionLocal )
// similar to
return opacity.mul(3).mul(distance( positionLocal ))
PS : It doesn't convert inside node_modules
Official wiki : Three.js-Shading-Language