MapWinGIS v4.9.5.0
Release notes - MapWinGIS - Version v4.9.5.0
- [MWGIS-57] - sf.CellValue should return NULL when needed
- [MWGIS-66] - Utils.GridStatisticsToShapefile is behaving unexpectedly
- [MWGIS-72] - Support Unicode encoding in the Table Editor
- [MWGIS-78] - Upgrade Clipper library
- [MWGIS-84] - ShapeDrawingOptions Draw methods do not allow transparent background
- [MWGIS-86] - Add image reflection support to point-type Shape rendering
- [MWGIS-88] - map.extents returns an object instead of IExtent
- [MWGIS-92] - PointType Picture transparency color cannot be disabled.
- [MWGIS-93] - Provide access to the names of Projected and Geographic coordinate systems
- [MWGIS-53] - Write to sqllite
- [MWGIS-55] - Adding field with 0 width doesn't return an error
- [MWGIS-59] - Shapefile.FixUpShapes() makes the shapes larger
- [MWGIS-64] - Can't get the ocx to work with Delphi
- [MWGIS-65] - Utils.GridStatisticsToShapefile crashes
- [MWGIS-69] - Cannot merge two PointM shapefiles
- [MWGIS-70] - Can't load large ECW file.
- [MWGIS-71] - ReclassifyRaster doesn't seems to work
- [MWGIS-73] - Map Snapshot throws Access Violation Exception
- [MWGIS-74] - Label Halo, Outline, and Shadow do not work properly when using GDI+
- [MWGIS-75] - Identify tool fails to select Point and Polyline-type features
- [MWGIS-79] - axMap1.DrawLabel() crashes MapWinGIS
- [MWGIS-87] - Resizing map causes memory leak
- [MWGIS-89] - Non-square point image does not centre on map correctly
- [MWGIS-90] - sf.FixUpShapes() returns empty shapefile
- [MWGIS-91] - Handle shapefiles that are not consistant in their types
- [MWGIS-54] - Update GDAL libraries
This version uses GDAL 2.2.3, released 2017/11/20
New Feature
- [MWGIS-34] - Implement GDALWarp as a function
- [MWGIS-35] - Implement GDALVectorTranslate as a function
- [MWGIS-50] - Can't call ogrinfo.exe '--formats'
- [MWGIS-76] - Optionally display traditional 'Hand' pan cursor instead of NSEW cursor
- [MWGIS-77] - Provide events for Before and After drawing the non-volatile layers
Most issues were fixed by @jerryfaust and @pmeems
Feel free to join this project if you want to contribute.