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Kubernetes workshop

Run a French bakery & learn Kubernetes

Kubernetes baguette logo

Technologies used

Topics covered

Understand main Kubernetes objects


A namespace is a virtual cluster in a physical cluster. We can have multiple virtual clusters in the same physical cluster. When we use a specific namespace, we are not able to see the content of another namespace. There is a strict logical boundary between namespaces.

When we use kubectl to interact with our Kubernetes cluster, we interact with a specific namespace. We can switch between namespaces to interact with our different virtual clusters.

A use case could be for example having a namespace per team or a namespace per environment.


A node is a physical or virtual machine represented in Kubernetes as a worker. Each node contains all required components to run pods. A Kubernetes cluster contains a set of nodes/machines with specific allocated CPU and memory.


A pod is the smallest deployable object in Kubernetes. It encapsulates application's container(s).


Deployments are wrappers on top of pods.

It allows to describe replicaSets that define the number of pod replicas for an application deployed as a pod.

In a deployment we define how to retrieve the image used by our pods and a tag as well. That allows us to easily rollout to a new version of our application.

We can have a deployment for each services that we deploy in Kubernetes.


Services define a way to access an application running on a set of pods.


A DaemonSet describes a pod that runs on each of our nodes. If our cluster scales out, the corresponding pod will start on this new node.

An example would be a fluentd pod that collects our application logs. It is required for this pod to be running on each of our nodes in which we want to collect logs.

Configure our environment


  • Install on macOS using Homebrew
brew install kubernetes-cli

Install a hypervisor

To run a Kubernetes cluster on our machine we need to install an hypervisor.

  • Let's install VirtualBox.


  • Install on macOS using Homebrew
brew cask install minikube
  • Create a local Kubernetes cluster

By default, minikube starts a node with only 2048MB of memory and 2cpus. We can use flags to configure the resources we want to allocate to our node.

minikube start --memory 5120 --cpus 4

Delete Minikube

❗ We are not supposed to delete Minikube, this workshop uses a local Kubernetes cluster created by Minikube. But if needed then you know how to delete Minikube and clean your environment.

  • Delete minikube and clean our environment
minikube delete
rm -rf ~/.minikube ~/.kube


By default, kubectl looks for a file named config in the $HOME/.kube directory. We can specify other kubeconfig files by setting the KUBECONFIG environment variable or by setting the --kubeconfig flag when we perform kubectl commands.

  • Let's have a look to our kubeconfig file created by Minikube.
cat ~/.kube/config

This file contains information to connect to our local Kubernetes cluster. We can now run kubectl commands on that cluster.

Your first kubectl command

Now that we have Minikube installed and our local Kubernetes cluster up and running, we can start playing with our cluster.

  • Let's run our first kubectl command!
kubectl cluster-info

You should get a similar output

➜  ~ kubectl cluster-info
Kubernetes master is running at
KubeDNS is running at


Helm is a package manager for Kubernetes, allowing us to install, upgrade, delete components in our Kubernetes cluster.

  • Install Helm client
brew install kubernetes-helm


Istio is a service mesh that will help us in our microservices journey with Kubernetes. It helps us on common problems/needs while running microservices. It adds observability, traffic management, allows canary deployment and other useful features (see official documentation).

Download Istio

curl -L | ISTIO_VERSION=1.1.8 sh -
cd istio-1.1.8

Create tiller ServiceAccount and bind it to cluster-admin ClusterRole

kubectl apply -f install/kubernetes/helm/helm-service-account.yaml

Install Helm server-side component (tiller) into our cluster

helm init --service-account tiller

Install Istio on our Kubernetes cluster

helm install install/kubernetes/helm/istio-init --name istio-init --namespace istio-system
helm install install/kubernetes/helm/istio --name istio --namespace istio-system

Enable automatic sidecar (Envoy Proxy) injection

kubectl label namespace default istio-injection=enabled

Visual Studio Code Kubernetes extension

This Kubernetes plugin allows us to have a view on our Kubernetes cluster(s). It reads our kubeconfig and embed kubectl commands to retrieve information. We can access logs, connect to specific pods etc.

  • Install Visual Studio Code

  • Install Kubernetes extension

Open Visual Studio Code, go to Code>Preferences>Extensions And search for Kubernetes. Then install the Microsoft Kubernetes extension.

Run a French bakery


  • Open the shop

Deploy bakery-service-v1 Spring Boot application

kubectl apply -f k8s/bakery-service-v1
  • Find where the shop has been created

Retrieve the IP address of the running cluster

minikube ip

Store the IP into a variable

CLUSTER_IP=$(minikube ip)

Store the bakery-service nodePort into a variable

BAKERY_NODEPORT=$(kubectl get -o jsonpath="{.spec.ports[0].nodePort}" services bakery-service-svc)
  • Check that the door is open

Query health check endpoint

curl $CLUSTER_IP:$BAKERY_NODEPORT/actuator/health
  • A great bakery starts with a great name... What is the name of our shop?

Query name endpoint

  • Your first private client

Query order/baguette endpoint. Baguette served!

curl $CLUSTER_IP:$BAKERY_NODEPORT/order/baguette


We have faith on the success of I Love Baguette bakery. Let's extract the baguette fabric from the shop itself.

  • Hire a chef from France

Deploy our chef service

kubectl apply -f k8s/chef-service

Store the chef-service nodePort into a variable

CHEF_NODEPORT=$(kubectl get -o jsonpath="{.spec.ports[0].nodePort}" services chef-service-svc)
  • Taste the baguette

Query baguette endpoint. Hmm delicious!

  • Build the new bakery

Deploy bakery-service-v2

kubectl apply -f k8s/bakery-service-v2/
  • Make a baguette order from our bakery to our chef

bakery-service-v2 calls chef-service

curl $CLUSTER_IP:$BAKERY_NODEPORT/order/baguette

Check the logs

kubectl logs $(kubectl get pods | grep bakery-service-v2 | cut -d ' ' -f 1) bakery-service-container


As we have more and more customers. We don't have any resources left and our chef can't handle the load.

We can open new shops to redistribute our customers baguette need.

But we would have to buy or rent new lands as well.

If the lands start to get to expensive we could as well build vertically and expand on top of our shop.

  • Open new shops - HPA (Horizontal Pod Autoscaler)

  • Rent new lands - Cluster autoscaler

  • Build vertically - VPA (Vertical Pod Autoscaler)

Future possible additions

Handle multiple environments staging, prod etc

Handle multi tenant k8s cluster


Run a French bakery and learn Kubernetes






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