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fix: TrajectoryBlenderTransitionWindow
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- computes shift of the second_trajectory using average instead of max. (this shift may be exactly the sample_time of the second trajectory if uniform)
- reduces sampling_time that approximates continuous time to 0.001 increasing the minimum distance between points to 1mm
- ensures the addition of the first and the last points

- adapts `checkBlendingJointSpaceContinuity` and `checkBlendingCartSpaceContinuity` acceleration computations to take into account different time samples among the trajectories
- fixes occurrences of `joint_velocity_tolerance` and `joint_accleration_tolerance` in `checkBlendingJointSpaceContinuity`
- adjust `checkBlendingCartSpaceContinuity` to return False in case of failed checks
  • Loading branch information
MarcoMagriDev committed Feb 9, 2025
1 parent 8271d56 commit a16f9b0
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Showing 3 changed files with 73 additions and 40 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -136,7 +136,6 @@ bool pilz_industrial_motion_planner::TrajectoryBlenderTransitionWindow::blend(

// adjust the time from start of the first second trajectory point to ensure continuity of velocities (this implicitly
// ensures continuity of accelerations)
std::vector<double> time_offsets;
auto second_start = res.second_trajectory->getFirstWayPointPtr();
auto blend_end = res.blend_trajectory->getLastWayPointPtr();

Expand All @@ -146,17 +145,22 @@ bool pilz_industrial_motion_planner::TrajectoryBlenderTransitionWindow::blend(
std::vector<double> second_start_velocities;
second_start->copyJointGroupVelocities(req.first_trajectory->getGroup()->getName(), second_start_velocities);
double time_from_start = 0.0;
std::size_t non_zero_velocity_count = 0;
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < second_start_velocities.size(); ++i)
if (second_start_velocities[i] == 0)
if (second_start_velocities[i] != 0)
time_from_start += (second_start_positions[i] - blend_end_positions[i]) / second_start_velocities[i];
time_from_start = (second_start_positions[i] - blend_end_positions[i]) / second_start_velocities[i];
time_from_start = *std::max_element(time_offsets.begin(), time_offsets.end());
res.second_trajectory->setWayPointDurationFromPrevious(0, time_from_start);
if (non_zero_velocity_count > 0)
"Adjusting time from start of second trajectory to ensure velocity continuity. delta_time: "
<< time_from_start / non_zero_velocity_count);
res.second_trajectory->setWayPointDurationFromPrevious(0, time_from_start / non_zero_velocity_count);
res.error_code.val = moveit_msgs::msg::MoveItErrorCodes::SUCCESS;
return true;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -303,17 +307,23 @@ void pilz_industrial_motion_planner::TrajectoryBlenderTransitionWindow::blendTra
Eigen::Isometry3d blend_sample_pose;

// Define an arbitrary small sample time to sample the blending trajectory
double sampling_time = 0.01;
double sampling_time = 0.001;

int num_samples = std::floor(blend_duration / sampling_time);
sampling_time = blend_duration / num_samples;

double blend_time = 0.0;
Eigen::Isometry3d last_blend_sample_pose = blend_sample_pose1;
while (blend_time <= blend_duration)

// Add the first point
double time_offset = req.first_trajectory->getWayPointDurationFromPrevious(first_interse_index);
waypoint.pose = tf2::toMsg(blend_sample_pose1);
waypoint.time_from_start = rclcpp::Duration::from_seconds(time_offset);
while (blend_time <= blend_duration + EPSILON)
// if the first trajectory does not reach the last sample, update
if ((t_start + blend_time) < req.first_trajectory->getDuration())
if ((t_start + blend_time) <= req.first_trajectory->getDuration())
blend_sample_pose1 = interpolatePose(req.first_trajectory, req.link_name, t_start + blend_time);
Expand All @@ -338,20 +348,19 @@ void pilz_industrial_motion_planner::TrajectoryBlenderTransitionWindow::blendTra

blend_time += sampling_time;
// Ensures samples are far enough apart to avoid numerical issues in numerical inverse kinematics
if (((blend_sample_pose.translation() - last_blend_sample_pose.translation()).norm() < EPSILON) &&
(blend_sample_pose.rotation().isApprox(last_blend_sample_pose.rotation(), 1e-3)))
if (((blend_sample_pose.translation() - last_blend_sample_pose.translation()).norm() < 1e-3) &&
(blend_sample_pose.rotation().isApprox(last_blend_sample_pose.rotation(), 1e-3)) &&
(blend_time < blend_duration)) // Force the addition of the last point

// std::cout << "blend_time: " << blend_time << std::endl;

// Store the last insert pose
last_blend_sample_pose = blend_sample_pose;

// push to the trajectory
waypoint.pose = tf2::toMsg(blend_sample_pose);
waypoint.time_from_start = rclcpp::Duration::from_seconds(blend_time);
waypoint.time_from_start = rclcpp::Duration::from_seconds(time_offset + blend_time);
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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -362,6 +362,7 @@ bool pilz_industrial_motion_planner::generateJointTrajectory(
if (i == 0)
duration_current = trajectory.points.front().time_from_start.seconds();
// This still assumes all the points in first_trajectory have the same duration
duration_last = duration_current;
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73 changes: 48 additions & 25 deletions moveit_planners/pilz_industrial_motion_planner/test/test_utils.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -560,7 +560,7 @@ bool testutils::toTCPPose(const moveit::core::RobotModelConstPtr& robot_model, c

bool testutils::checkOriginalTrajectoryAfterBlending(const pilz_industrial_motion_planner::TrajectoryBlendRequest& req,
const pilz_industrial_motion_planner::TrajectoryBlendResponse& res,
const double time_tolerance)
const double /* time_tolerance */)
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < res.first_trajectory->getWayPointCount(); ++i)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -679,6 +679,7 @@ bool testutils::checkBlendingJointSpaceContinuity(const pilz_industrial_motion_p

// check the continuity between first trajectory and blend trajectory
trajectory_msgs::msg::JointTrajectoryPoint first_end, blend_start;
auto first_pend = first_traj.joint_trajectory.points[first_traj.joint_trajectory.points.size() - 2];
first_end = first_traj.joint_trajectory.points.back();
blend_start = blend_traj.joint_trajectory.points.front();

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -709,13 +710,16 @@ bool testutils::checkBlendingJointSpaceContinuity(const pilz_industrial_motion_p
return false;

double blend_start_acc =
(blend_start_velo - / rclcpp::Duration(blend_start.time_from_start).seconds();
if (fabs(blend_start_acc - > joint_velocity_tolerance)
double blend_start_acc = 2 * (blend_start_velo - /
(rclcpp::Duration(blend_start.time_from_start).seconds() +
rclcpp::Duration(first_end.time_from_start).seconds() -
if (fabs(blend_start_acc - > joint_accleration_tolerance)
std::cout << "Acceleration computed from positions/velocities are "
"different from the value in trajectory."
<< '\n'
<< "position: " << << "; " <<
<< "computed: " << blend_start_acc << "; "
<< "in trajectory: " << << '\n';
return false;
Expand All @@ -724,6 +728,7 @@ bool testutils::checkBlendingJointSpaceContinuity(const pilz_industrial_motion_p

// check the continuity between blend trajectory and second trajectory
trajectory_msgs::msg::JointTrajectoryPoint blend_end, second_start;
auto blend_pend = blend_traj.joint_trajectory.points[blend_traj.joint_trajectory.points.size() - 2];
blend_end = blend_traj.joint_trajectory.points.back();
second_start = second_traj.joint_trajectory.points.front();

Expand All @@ -746,7 +751,7 @@ bool testutils::checkBlendingJointSpaceContinuity(const pilz_industrial_motion_p
double second_start_velo = ( - /
if (fabs(second_start_velo - > joint_accleration_tolerance)
if (fabs(second_start_velo - > joint_velocity_tolerance)
std::cout << "Velocity computed from positions are different from the "
"value in trajectory."
Expand All @@ -756,8 +761,10 @@ bool testutils::checkBlendingJointSpaceContinuity(const pilz_industrial_motion_p
return false;

double second_start_acc =
(second_start_velo - / rclcpp::Duration(second_start.time_from_start).seconds();
double second_start_acc = 2 * (second_start_velo - /
(rclcpp::Duration(second_start.time_from_start).seconds() +
rclcpp::Duration(blend_end.time_from_start).seconds() -
if (fabs(second_start_acc - > joint_accleration_tolerance)
std::cout << "Acceleration computed from positions/velocities are "
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -843,9 +850,13 @@ bool testutils::checkBlendingCartSpaceContinuity(const pilz_industrial_motion_pl

// check the connection points between first trajectory and blend trajectory
Eigen::Vector3d v_1, w_1, v_2, w_2, v_3, w_3;
computeCartVelocity(pose_first_end_1, pose_first_end, duration, v_1, w_1);
computeCartVelocity(pose_first_end, pose_blend_start, duration, v_2, w_2);
computeCartVelocity(pose_blend_start, pose_blend_start_1, duration, v_3, w_3);
double duration_first_end =
res.first_trajectory->getWayPointDurationFromPrevious(res.first_trajectory->getWayPointCount() - 1);
double duration_blend_start = res.blend_trajectory->getWayPointDurationFromPrevious(0);
double duration_blend_start_1 = res.blend_trajectory->getWayPointDurationFromPrevious(1);
computeCartVelocity(pose_first_end_1, pose_first_end, duration_first_end, v_1, w_1);
computeCartVelocity(pose_first_end, pose_blend_start, duration_blend_start, v_2, w_2);
computeCartVelocity(pose_blend_start, pose_blend_start_1, duration_blend_start_1, v_3, w_3);

// translational velocity
if (v_2.norm() > max_trans_velo)
Expand All @@ -854,6 +865,7 @@ bool testutils::checkBlendingCartSpaceContinuity(const pilz_industrial_motion_pl
"trajectory exceeds the limit."
<< "Actual velocity (norm): " << v_2.norm() << "; "
<< "Limits: " << max_trans_velo << '\n';
return false;
// rotational velocity
if (w_2.norm() > max_rot_velo)
Expand All @@ -862,65 +874,76 @@ bool testutils::checkBlendingCartSpaceContinuity(const pilz_industrial_motion_pl
"trajectory exceeds the limit."
<< "Actual velocity (norm): " << w_2.norm() << "; "
<< "Limits: " << max_rot_velo << '\n';
return false;
// translational acceleration
Eigen::Vector3d a_1 = (v_2 - v_1) / duration;
Eigen::Vector3d a_2 = (v_3 - v_2) / duration;
Eigen::Vector3d a_1 = (v_2 - v_1) / duration_blend_start;
Eigen::Vector3d a_2 = (v_3 - v_2) / duration_blend_start_1;
if (a_1.norm() > max_trans_acc || a_2.norm() > max_trans_acc)
std::cout << "Translational acceleration between first trajectory and "
"blend trajectory exceeds the limit."
<< "Actual acceleration (norm): " << a_1.norm() << ", " << a_1.norm() << "; "
<< "Actual acceleration (norm): " << a_1.norm() << ", " << a_2.norm() << "; "
<< "Limits: " << max_trans_acc << '\n';
return false;

// rotational acceleration
a_1 = (w_2 - w_1) / duration;
a_2 = (w_3 - w_2) / duration;
a_1 = (w_2 - w_1) / duration_blend_start;
a_2 = (w_3 - w_2) / duration_blend_start_1;
if (a_1.norm() > max_rot_acc || a_2.norm() > max_rot_acc)
std::cout << "Rotational acceleration between first trajectory and blend "
"trajectory exceeds the limit."
<< "Actual acceleration (norm): " << a_1.norm() << ", " << a_1.norm() << "; "
<< "Actual acceleration (norm): " << a_1.norm() << ", " << a_2.norm() << "; "
<< "Limits: " << max_rot_acc << '\n';
return false;

computeCartVelocity(pose_blend_end_1, pose_blend_end, duration, v_1, w_1);
computeCartVelocity(pose_blend_end, pose_second_start, duration, v_2, w_2);
computeCartVelocity(pose_second_start, pose_second_start_1, duration, v_3, w_3);
double duration_blend_end =
res.blend_trajectory->getWayPointDurationFromPrevious(res.blend_trajectory->getWayPointCount() - 1);
double duration_second_start = res.second_trajectory->getWayPointDurationFromPrevious(0);
double duration_second_start_1 = res.second_trajectory->getWayPointDurationFromPrevious(1);
computeCartVelocity(pose_blend_end_1, pose_blend_end, duration_blend_end, v_1, w_1);
computeCartVelocity(pose_blend_end, pose_second_start, duration_second_start, v_2, w_2);
computeCartVelocity(pose_second_start, pose_second_start_1, duration_second_start_1, v_3, w_3);

if (v_2.norm() > max_trans_velo)
std::cout << "Translational velocity between blend trajectory and second "
"trajectory exceeds the limit."
<< "Actual velocity (norm): " << v_2.norm() << "; "
<< "Limits: " << max_trans_velo << '\n';
return false;
if (w_2.norm() > max_rot_velo)
std::cout << "Rotational velocity between blend trajectory and second "
"trajectory exceeds the limit."
<< "Actual velocity (norm): " << w_2.norm() << "; "
<< "Limits: " << max_rot_velo << '\n';
return false;
a_1 = (v_2 - v_1) / duration;
a_2 = (v_3 - v_2) / duration;
a_1 = (v_2 - v_1) / duration_second_start;
a_2 = (v_3 - v_2) / duration_second_start_1;
if (a_1.norm() > max_trans_acc || a_2.norm() > max_trans_acc)
std::cout << "Translational acceleration between blend trajectory and "
"second trajectory exceeds the limit."
<< "Actual acceleration (norm): " << a_1.norm() << ", " << a_1.norm() << "; "
<< "Actual acceleration (norm): " << a_1.norm() << ", " << a_2.norm() << "; "
<< "Limits: " << max_trans_acc << '\n';
return false;
// check rotational acceleration
a_1 = (w_2 - w_1) / duration;
a_2 = (w_3 - w_2) / duration;
a_1 = (w_2 - w_1) / duration_second_start;
a_2 = (w_3 - w_2) / duration_second_start_1;
if (a_1.norm() > max_rot_acc || a_2.norm() > max_rot_acc)
std::cout << "Rotational acceleration between blend trajectory and second "
"trajectory exceeds the limit."
<< "Actual acceleration (norm): " << a_1.norm() << ", " << a_1.norm() << "; "
<< "Actual acceleration (norm): " << a_1.norm() << ", " << a_2.norm() << "; "
<< "Limits: " << max_rot_acc << '\n';
return false;

return true;
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