Releases: MarimerLLC/csla
Releases · MarimerLLC/csla
Version 9.0.0 release
What's Changed
- Update version numbers to 8.2.0 by @rockfordlhotka in #3872
- Correctly set http content-type headers by @rockfordlhotka in #3873
- avoid duplicate dictionary lookups in ContextDictionary by @SimonCropp in #3862
- missing using on HttpRequestMessage by @SimonCropp in #3860
- move to using declarations by @SimonCropp in #3861
- remove redundant interface implementations by @SimonCropp in #3863
- Remove netcore by @SimonCropp in #3864
- Remove duplicate value by @rockfordlhotka in #3875
- Remove UWP support; Remove requirement for Serializable attribute by @rockfordlhotka in #3877
- Update version numbers to 9.0.0 by @rockfordlhotka in #3878
- ServiceClientManager removed by @StefanOssendorf in #3882
- Re enable CommandBaseTest by @StefanOssendorf in #3881
- Fixes 3857: Remove protected setter from InputPropertes by @StefanOssendorf in #3880
- remove some redundant braces by @SimonCropp in #3883
- remove redundant Assert.IsTrue(executed); by @SimonCropp in #3884
- remove redundant attribute parens by @SimonCropp in #3885
- make indents consistent by @SimonCropp in #3886
- make more indents consistent by @SimonCropp in #3887
- remove some redundant usings by @SimonCropp in #3888
- remove some redundant tostrings by @SimonCropp in #3889
- #3802 - replace null parameter with containingType by @19bibo85 in #3891
- Remove unnecessary private set; and make a field readonly. by @StefanOssendorf in #3904
- Bump Grpc.Net.Client and System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe in /Source by @dependabot in #3908
- Bump Grpc.Tools from 2.62.0 to 2.63.0 in /Source by @dependabot in #3907
- #3897 Fix error catching in blazor ApplicationContextManagers by @swegele in #3903
- Resolve build issues in csla.test.sln by @rockfordlhotka in #3909
- Updated the SaveState method in StateManager to be async Task by @kamranrauf75 in #3906
- Enhance use http proxy with http factory by @StefanOssendorf in #3899
- Remove types marked with obsolete and error=true by @StefanOssendorf in #3912
- Improve serializer registration by @StefanOssendorf in #3914
- Add Error event in Blazor ViewModel (#3279) by @rrrooommmaaa in #3915
- Added DisplayIndex Property to Business Rules by @Freelancingonupwork in #3902
- Breaking change: Blazor StateManager does not use the provided timeout parameter by @luizfbicalho in #3910
- Coerce output in RuleContext.AddOutValue by @rrrooommmaaa in #3925
- #3930 - Fix for main branch removing api controller attributes which … by @swegele in #3933
- Bump Microsoft.AspNetCore.TestHost from 8.0.4 to 8.0.5 in /Source by @dependabot in #3940
- Updates for Blazor session state management by @rockfordlhotka in #3924
- remove some redundant parens by @SimonCropp in #3948
- move to some using declarations by @SimonCropp in #3949
- remove some redundant usings by @SimonCropp in #3951
- use some nameof expressions by @SimonCropp in #3952
- remove some redundant name qualifiers by @SimonCropp in #3950
- #2925 text separator for concatenating errors/main by @Freelancingonupwork in #3942
- Fix ruleSet parameter omission in AddRule overloads by @kamranrauf75 in #3892
- Create rabbitmq by @rockfordlhotka in #3957
- BusyHelper for IsBusy Change by @Freelancingonupwork in #3953
- Parameter Overloads for Sync (Excecute) by @Freelancingonupwork in #3958
- Added Priority in Broken Rule by @Freelancingonupwork in #3945
- Bump Grpc.Tools from 2.63.0 to 2.64.0 in /Source by @dependabot in #3962
- Bump Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk from 17.9.0 to 17.10.0 in /Source by @dependabot in #3959
- Bump MSTest.TestFramework from 3.3.1 to 3.4.0 in /Source by @dependabot in #3960
- Remove remoting references by @StefanOssendorf in #3966
- Use HttpContext to get user, then fall back to AuthenticationStateProvider by @rockfordlhotka in #3968
- Bump Grpc.Net.Client, System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe and Microsoft.Bcl.AsyncInterfaces in /Source by @dependabot in #3975
- Bump Google.Protobuf from 3.26.1 to 3.27.0 in /Source by @dependabot in #3974
- Update nuget.exe to latest version by @rockfordlhotka in #3973
- Feature/add cancellation token by @luizfbicalho in #3926
- Add exception message for string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace() exception by @StefanOssendorf in #3978
- Bump MSTest.TestFramework from 3.4.0 to 3.4.1 in /Source by @dependabot in #3985
- Bump Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Authorization, Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components and Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions in /Source by @dependabot in #3987
- Bump Microsoft.AspNetCore.TestHost from 8.0.5 to 8.0.6 in /Source by @dependabot in #3988
- Added AddNewAsync() methods to lists by @Freelancingonupwork in #3989
- #3990 Revert SetUser for blazor in memory context manager by @swegele in #3996
- Bump MSTest.TestFramework from 3.4.1 to 3.4.2 in /Source by @dependabot in #3995
- Bump MSTest.TestFramework from 3.4.2 to 3.4.3 in /Source by @dependabot in #3998
- Add .ConfigureAwait(false) on (thread) context irrelevant operations by @StefanOssendorf in #3977
- Feature/remove on deserialized by @luizfbicalho in #3955
- Improve IsSavable performance by @StefanOssendorf in #3983
- Make WaitForIdle() methods virtual so a user can extend it's functionality by @StefanOssendorf in #3979
- Add nullable context to Csla.Data.SqlClient and Csla.Data.SqlClient.Fx by @StefanOssendorf in #4005
- Add nullable context to rabbitMq project by @StefanOssendorf in #4004
- Add nullable context to grpc project by @StefanOssendorf in #4003
- Changed missing other WaitForIdle implementations by @StefanOssendorf in #4002
- Bump Microsoft.Data.SqlClient from 5.2.0 to 5.2.1 in /Source by @dependabot in #4006
- Feature/asynchronous authorization rules by @luizfbicalho in #3956
- OnAddedNewAsync removed becaue it's not necessary by @StefanOssendorf in #4013
- Bump Google.Protobuf from 3.27.0 to 3.27.1 in /Source by @dependabot in #4014
- Added - GraphMerger: async versions of public methods by @Freelancingonupwork in #3984
- Update project to .NET 8.0 and refactor code by @luizfbicalho in #4017
- Improve/Enhance Is(Self)Busy to handle nested busy scenarios better by @Freelancingonupwork in #3982
- Remove binary formatter net data contract serializer by @luizfbicalho in #4018
- Bump System.Memory.Data from 7.0.0 to 8.0.0 in /Source by @dependabot in #4022
- #4015 change context to interfaces by @Bowman74 in #4023
- 4015 change context to interfaces by @Bowman74 in #4025
- Blazor ViewModel with ManagedObjectLifetime save issue #4026 by @russblair in #4031
- #3207 Use CentralPackageVersioning in samples: ProjectTracker by @sshushliapin in
Version 8.2.9 release
What's Changed
- Initialize session id cookie on server path by @rockfordlhotka in #4470
Full Changelog: v8.2.8...v8.2.9
Version 8.2.8 release
What's Changed
- Fix Blazor context manager issue by @rockfordlhotka in #4239
- Restore app context if operation fails w/ no local clone by @rockfordlhotka in #4280
- Cherry pick: Fix for #3581, Ensure unique identity values within identity managed collections by @StefanOssendorf in #4335
- Ensure context manager is valid before returning by @rockfordlhotka in #4356
- Update ProjectTracker to target CSLA 8.2.8 by @rockfordlhotka in #4403
Full Changelog: v8.2.7...v8.2.8
Version 8.2.7 release
What's Changed
- Version 8.2.7 release by @rockfordlhotka in #4209
- #4203
- #4204
- #4208
Full Changelog: v8.2.6...v8.2.7
Version 8.2.6 release
What's Changed
- Add unit tests for Blazor context manager configuration by @rockfordlhotka in #4113
- Fix issue with context manager in a Blazor server setting by @rockfordlhotka in #4183
Full Changelog: v8.2.5...v8.2.6
Version 7.0.6 release
What's Changed
Addresses CVE-2024-28698 via #4133
#4133 Backfit of : Prevent use of .. or : in file path #3552 by @MaceySoftware in #4144
Full Changelog: v7.0.5...v7.0.6
Version 5.5.4 release
What's Changed
Addresses CVE-2024-28698 via #4133
#4133 Backfit of : Prevent use of .. or : in file path #3552 by @MaceySoftware in #4138
Version 5.5.4 release by @rockfordlhotka in #4141
Update release notes and git remote name by @rockfordlhotka in #4168
Full Changelog: v5.5.3...v5.5.4
Version 8.2.5 release
What's Changed
- Update version to 8.2.5 by @rockfordlhotka in #4079
- Fix Blazor context manager config issue by @rockfordlhotka in #4081
Full Changelog: v8.2.4...v8.2.5
Version 8.2.4 release
What's Changed
- Ensure custom IContextManager is used by @rockfordlhotka in #4053
- Backport of the #4059 to 8.x by @kant2002 in #4060
- Update version and release notes for 8.2.4 by @rockfordlhotka in #4056
Full Changelog: v8.2.3...v8.2.4
Version 8.2.3 release
What's Changed
- Blazor ViewModel with ManagedObjectLifetime save issue #4026 by @russblair in #4030
- Update for version 8.2.3 by @rockfordlhotka in #4034
- Resolve build warning by @rockfordlhotka in #4037
Full Changelog: v8.2.2...v8.2.3