The marketplace smart contracts provides a generic platform used for selling and buying CW721 tokens with CW20 tokens. It maintains a list of all current offerings, including the seller's address, the token ID put up for sale, the list price of the token and the contract address the offerings originated from. This ensures maximum visibility on a per-sale instead of a per-contract basis, allowing users to browse through list of offerings in one central place.
Contract | Address |
marketplace | terra1708j7n4l2909z2afex09727mp22zl0ur6gtrn9 |
Puts an NFT token up for sale.
⚠️ The seller needs to be the owner of the token to be able to sell it.
# Execute send_nft action to put token up for sale for specified list_price on the marketplace
terrad tx wasm execute <CW721_CONTRACT_ADDR> '{
"send_nft": {
"token_id": "<TOKEN_ID>",
"msg": "BASE64_ENCODED_JSON --> { "list_price": { "address": "<INSERT_CW20_CONTRACT_ADDR>", "amount": "<INSERT_AMOUNT_WITHOUT_DENOM>" }} <--"
}' --from test1 --gas="auto" --gas=auto --fees=50000uluna --broadcast-mode=block --chain-id=localterra
Withdraws an NFT token offering from the global offerings list and returns the NFT token back to its owner.
⚠️ Only the token's owner/seller can withdraw the offering. This will only work after having usedsell_nft
on a token.
# Execute withdraw_nft action to withdraw the token with the specified offering_id from the marketplace
terrad tx wasm execute <MARKETPLACE_CONTRACT_ADDR> '{
"withdraw_nft": {
"offering_id": "<INSERT_OFFERING_ID>"
}' --from test1 --gas="auto" --gas=auto --fees=50000uluna --broadcast-mode=block --chain-id=localterra
Buys an NFT token, transferring funds to the seller and the token to the buyer.
⚠️ This will only work after having usedsell_nft
on a token.
# Execute send action to buy token with the specified offering_id from the marketplace
terrad tx wasm execute <CW_20_CONTRACT_ADDR> '{
"send": {
"amount": "<INSERT_AMOUNT>",
"msg": "BASE64_ENCODED_JSON --> { "offering_id": "<INSERT_OFFERING_ID>" } <--"
}' --from test1 --gas="auto" --gas=auto --fees=50000uluna --broadcast-mode=block --chain-id=localterra
# Lists offerings sorted by lowest price, sort_listing can be one of following values (price_lowest, price_highest, newest_listed, oldest_listed), index > size (next chunk) size is defined as max chunk size
terrad query wasm contract-store <MARKETPLACE_CONTRACT_ADDR> '{"get_offerings":{"sort_listing":"price_lowest", "index": 0, "size": 5 }}' --chain-id=localterra
# Build artifacts
docker run --rm -v "$(pwd)":/code \
--mount type=volume,source="$(basename "$(pwd)")_cache",target=/code/target \
--mount type=volume,source=registry_cache,target=/usr/local/cargo/registry \
# Deploy artifacts
terrad tx wasm store ./artifacts/cw_marketplace-aarch64.wasm --from test1 --chain-id=localterra --gas=auto --fees=50000uluna --broadcast-mode=block
# Instantiate contract
terrad tx wasm instantiate 1 '{"name":"<MARKETPLACE_NAME>"}' --from test1 --chain-id=localterra --fees=50000uluna --gas=auto --broadcast-mode=block