MaintainMan is a logistic report management system powered by iris.
User management with configurable Role-Based access control
Database: Mysql, Sqlite3
Storage: S3, Local
Cache: Redis, Local
3 pulggable modules
Order management
8 status available
Waiting for Assignment
Order Assigned
Order Completed
Order Appraised
Reported as pending
Hold for a while
Order Canceled
Order Rejected
Switchable order comment
Order assignment system
One Repairer for one assignment
Supports multiple order assignments
Order appraising system and performance display
Item inventory management associated with the order system
Announcement management
Configurable display times
User click statistics
Image Hosting service
Auto watermarking
Custom transformation
Resizing & Croping
Text with color and font
Image compression
Configurable image cache
MaintainMan has 6 configuration files now. All configuration files have independent version control.
When the maintainman detected a old version configuration file, it will automatically upgrade it (conflict field will be skipped).
When the maintainman detected a new version configuration file, it will send a warning message.
App config is used to configure the database and various connection parameters as well as the functional parameters of the core system.
# application name.
name: "maintainman"
# listen port.
listen: ":8080"
# log level (debug, info, warn, error, fatal).
loglevel: "debug"
# max number of items in a page.
# http request paramenter `limit` must not exceed this value.
limit: 100
# default number of items in a page.
# this number will be used when http request paramenter `limit`
# is not specified or <= 0.
default: 50
# token secret.
# IMPORTANT! you'd better change it to a random string or a strong
# secret key.
key: ""
# token expire duration.
expire: "30m"
# database type (mysql, sqlite).
driver: "mysql"
host: "localhost"
port: 3306
name: "maintainman"
params: "parseTime=true&loc=Local&charset=utf8mb4"
user: "root"
password: ""
# sqlite database file path.
path: "maintainman.db"
# storage type (local, s3).
driver: "local"
path: "./files"
# if s3 connection defined here, module config without s3 connection
# will use the connection defined here.
access_key: ""
secret_key: ""
bucket: ""
region: ""
# cache type (local, redis).
driver: "local"
# cache limit. if the cache limit is reached, some entries will be
# evicted automatically.
# if the cache limit is 0, no entries will not be evicted.
limit: 268435456 # 256M
host: "localhost"
port: 6379
password: ""
# channel size of event bus (message bus).
bus_buffer: 1000
User config is used to configure login and user management options.
# wechat appid.
appid: ""
# wechat secret.
secret: ""
# whether a unregistered user will be registered on wechat login.
# if false, reponse code will be `403` when a unregistered user try
# wechat login.
# if true, a unregistered user will be registered on wechat login.
# username will be open_id and user will be assigned a random password.
fastlogin: true
# cache type (local, redis).
driver: local
# cache limit.
limit: 268435456 # 256M
# if redis, connection has been configured in app.yml
# the admin user configuration.
# only apply at first initialization.
# IMPORTANT! you'd better change it to some strong password and delete
# belowing entries after the first initialization.
name: "admin"
display_name: "maintainman default admin"
role_name: "super_admin"
password: "12345678"
Role config is used to configure all roles and their corresponding permissions. Roles are ordered. Only buttom-up inheritance is valid (latter roles are superior).
- display_name: 封停用户
name: banned
permissions: []
inheritance: []
- name: guest
display_name: 访客
guest: true
- user.register
- user.login
- user.wxlogin
- user.wxregister
inheritance: []
- name: user
display_name: 普通用户
default: true
- image.upload
- image.view
- user.view
- user.update
- user.renew
- role.view
- announce.view
- announce.hit
- order.view
- order.create
- order.cancel
- order.update
- order.appraise
- order.urgence
- order.comment.view
- order.comment.create
- order.comment.delete
- tag.view.1
- tag.add.1
# `tag.add.1` is a special permission.
# in `perm.?` pattern, if `?` is a number, the number will be compared
# to judge whether the role has the permission.
# e.g. if a role has `perm.2`, then the `perm.2` and `perm.1` will be
# judge as true.
- guest
- name: maintainer
display_name: 维护工
- order.viewfix
- order.reject
- order.complete
- item.consume
- item.viewall
- tag.view.2
- tag.add.2
- user
- name: super_maintainer
display_name: 维护工(可自行接单)
- order.selfassign
- order.viewall
- maintainer
- name: admin
display_name: 管理员
- image.*
- division.*
- announce.*
- order.*
- tag.*
- item.*
# in `perm.*` pattern, `*` means any, all sub permissions under perm will
# be judged as true.
- maintainer
- name: super_admin
display_name: 超级管理员
- '*'
- admin
Image config is used to configure image hosting service and predefined transformations.
# jpeg compression quality.
jpeg_quality: 80
# max gif color number.
gif_num_colors: 256
# all image after transformation will be cached as jpeg.
cache_as_jpeg: true
# all image uploaded will be saved as gif.
save_as_jpeg: false
# upload request returns straight after image is processed by the server.
# but saving might still fail.
async: false
# the max file size of image allowed to upload.
max_file_size: 10485760 # 10 MB
# the max dimension of image allowed to upload.
max_pixels: 15000000 # 15 million pixels
# the throttling rate control.
# the max number of requests allowed in a period.
burst: 20
# the duration between requests.
rate: 1
# the purge duration.
purge: 1m
# the expiration duration.
expire: 1m
# cache type (local, redis).
driver: local
# cache limit. if the cache limit is reached, image in storage
# will be deteted automatically.
# if the cache limit is 0, no entries will not be evicted.
# (strongly not recommended)
limit: 1073741824 # 1 GB
# if redis, connection has been configured in app.yml
# storage type (local, s3).
driver: local
path: ./images
# if access_key and secret_key are not set, s3 connection defined
# in app.yml will be used.
# access_key: ""
# secret_key: ""
# region: ""
bucket: "Image"
# image cache storage. sub path of main storage.
# e.g. if main storage is ./images, cache storage is ./images/cache,
# whether the storage path will be cleaned up on server start.
# recommended to be true if you are using local cache instead of redis.
clean: true
# predefined transformations.
# square returns a 256 x 256 square image chopped from the center.
params: w_256,h_256,c_p,g_c
# Run on every upload
eager: true
# watermarked returns a equal scaling, 800 widthm, watermarked image.
# if params is not set, the transformation will be applied on.
default: true
params: w_800
# text will be added to the bottom right corner of the image.
# the {{.Name}} will be replaced by the upload user name.
- content: "{{.Name}}@MaintainMan"
gravity: se
# text position in the image. relative to gravity.
# non-negative integer.
x-pos: 10
y-pos: 0
# color format is hex.
# e.g. #RRGGBBAA or #RRGGBB or #RGBA or #RGB
color: "#808080CC"
# font file path. if not set, will search filename in
# embedded fonts.
font: fonts/SourceHanSans-Regular.ttf
size: 14
Announce config is used to configure announcement management.
# the duration that a user hit the same announcement will not
# be counted repeatedly.
hit_expire: "12h"
driver: "local"
limit: 268435456 # 256M
Order config is used to configure order management.
# Whether item count can be negative.
# if false, an `item count is not enough` error may be returned on
# item consuming.
item_can_negative: true
# the duration that a user can appraise the order after the
# order completed.
# the order will be appraised automatically after the duration.
timeout: "72h"
# the duration that the system will check the timeouted unappraised order.
purge: "10m"
# the default appraise score of timeouted unappraised order.
default: 5
tmpl: "微信订阅消息模板id"
order: "模板中 订单编号 字段名"
title: "模板中 订单标题 字段名"
status: "模板中 订单状态 字段名"
time: "模板中 订单更新时间 字段名"
other: "模板中 备注 字段名 (用于传递维修工信息)"
tmpl: "微信留言消息模板id"
title: "模板中 订单标题 字段名"
name: "模板中 留言人 字段名"
messgae: "模板中 留言内容 字段名"
time: "模板中 留言时间 字段名"
Find document here Maintainman Doc.
Or On Github Wiki.
You can help to make the project better by creating an issue or pull request.
Released under MIT License. We also provide an additional patent grant.