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  1. Introduction
  2. Variables
  3. Functions
  4. Input
  5. Arithmetic
  6. Conditional statements
  7. Repetitive tasks
  8. Signals


What is bash?

"Bash" is Bourne Again SHell. It's a command language interpreter for the GNU operating system that executes commands from the standard input (STDIN) and is capable to run commands from a file (called a shell script).

Where Bash scripts run?

When we run a script, the Bash process starts a new process in which the script runs.

For example, if we have three terminals, and each runs a command, there will be three processes running the command.

Let's see what happens when a user types some command in the Shell, say ps -ef.

The Shell first checks for aliases, and if found, it simply replaces the with the alias. Otherwise, it checks if the command is built-in.

Next, the Shell looks for a binary program called "ps" in a list of directories (the PATH variable). Once the program is found (you can check its location by running whereis ps), a call to the system's fork() is made, which creates a child process.

Now, having the "new" process, the OS does another system call that:

  • stops the parent process
  • loads the program (ps)
  • starts it with the arguments that were passed

The Shebang

When we execute a command, the OS needs to know how to execute it. The Shebang is a path to the Bash interpreter. For example:


Note that it doesn't have to be an absolute path, but since you'll be running your script from different locations, providing the absolute path would be the safest option.

Once the first line is set to #!/bin/bash, the content of the script will be passed to the /bin/bash program to be executed.



echo $PATH

If we now run ./, the echo $PATH command will be passed to the /bin/bash program, which is the same as running:


A good explanation can be found here.


Variables are used to hold information. Theur purpose is to label and store data in memory, which will be used throughout the program you write.

Setting / Reading variables

Bash variables don't have to be declared. You can have a varialbe by simply assigning a value to its reference.

str="hello world!"
echo $str

The second line above creates a variable called str, and assigns the string "hello world" to it. Then the value of the str variable is retrieved by adding $ to the variable's name. NOTE: If you ommit the $ and use echo str, the "str" string will be echoed.

"A quote"

When we want to assign a single word to variable, we don't need any quotes. The following command works just fine:


However, if we want to store more complex values,we need to use quotes.

There are two types of quotes: ' (single quote), and " (double quotes).

Single quotes treats every character literally, whereas double quotes allows substitution. This snippet dempnstrates the difference:

echo "hello $var"
echo 'hello $var'

The output would be:

hello world
hello $var

Command substitution

Allows us to take an output of a command, and assign it to a variable. This happens when a command is enclosed as $(command) or `command`.

Bash executes the command in a subshell environment, and replaces the command substitution with the standard output of the command.

the $(command) form is preferred over the backticks one, as it's the newer POSIX form. If this reason is not enough, you should compare the following two, and decide which one is more readable:

echo $(echo $(echo hello))
echo `echo \`echo hello\``

Special variables

Bash has some built in variables. The following list sums up these variables:

Variable Description
$0 The name of the file that's running the current script
$n Arguments with which the script was invoked ($1 is the first argument, $2 is the second and so on)
$$ The process ID of the current shell
$! The process ID of the last background command
$@ All arguments passed to the script
$# Number of arguments passed to the script
$? The exit status of the most recently process
$_ The last argument of the last command

Command line arguments

You are already familiar with command line arguments, and you've probably used it many times before. For example, when we use the command:

ls -l /etc

we're actually providing two arguments for the ls program. The first one ($1) is the -l flag, and the second one ($2) is the file destination, /etc.

As we saw in the table above, $n holds the arguments with which the script was invoked. For example, if we write the script

First argument is $1, second one is $2

Now when we run ./ Hello World!, we'll get the output

First argument is Hello, second one is World!

Exporting variables

Since scripts run in their own process, variables are also limited to the process in which they run.

In some cases, you would want to break your script to multiple scripts, and run one from another. Consider this example:

echo $var

We'll not get anything printed to the console. That's because var variable is unknown in the subprocess that runs inside.

To overcome this problem, we use the export keyword:

export var

Now, var is "exported" and is available in the second script.

Important note!

The var in the second script is just a copy of the variable, changing it inside has no impact on the original varialbe in! The snippet below should demonstrate the issue:

export var
echo $var

If we run ./, we'll get "hello" printed, and not "world".

Types of variables

So far, we didn't care much about the variables' type. The variables we saw could contain any value we assign to them. For example:


In some cases, you might want to make a constant variable, or assign only integers to it.

Introducing the declare built-in keyword!

declare allows us to limit the value assigned to a variable. Some of its option:

Option Description
-a Array variable
-i Integer variable
-r Read only variable
-u All characters converted to uper-case
-l All characters converted to lower-case

The code below will provide a good explanation of the usage:

declare -i i=5
echo $i
echo $i
declare -l s=HELLO
echo $s
declare -p s
declare -ai arr=(9 2 3 4 5)
echo ${arr[*]}
# declare -r c=const
# r=hello 

Run ./

declare -l s="hello"
1 2 3 4 5

If we uncomment the last two lines, we'll get an error saying that we're trying to assign to a readonly variable:

./ line 10: r: readonly variable

Arrays variables

Array is simply a variable holding multiple values, of the same type or different types.

Bash provides one dimentional indexed and associative array variables. There is no max limit on the size of an array.

To explicitly declare an array, we use:

declare -a array_var

It's also possible to create an array using compound assignments in the following format:

array_var=(value1 value2 value3 ... valueN)

Dereferencing the variables

We use curly braces in order to access an element. The following example should provide a good explanation:

arr=(1 2 3 4 5 6)
echo ${arr[*]}  # prints 1 2 3 4 5 6
echo $arr[*]    # prints 1[*] ($arr prints 1, then the chars [*] are printed)
echo ${arr[4]}  # prints 5 (arrays are zero-based)
echo ${#arr[@]} # prints 6


Bash functions are used to group commands, using a single name for the group. When executing a function, the command are executed one by one, in the order they appear.

The syntax for creating a function:

[function] name () { commands; }

Note that the function keyword is optional, and the curly braces must be separated from the function's body by a space of blanks.

Fcuntions are executed within the current shell context, not in a new subprocess.


Within the function, the arguments are stored in $1, $2, ..., $N variables. For example:

greet() {
    echo You passed $# arguments!
    echo Hello $*
    echo Hello $1 $2!

greet Maroun Bassam

This will print:

You passed 2 arguments
Hello Maroun Bassam
Hello Maroun Bassam!

Scope of variables

A Bash variable can be declared as local, which means that it is visible only within the block in which it appears. For example:

function test {
    local loc_var=100
    echo $local_var
echo $local_var

Only 100 will be echoed - the echo outside the function doesn't know what local_var is, and a blank value will be printed.

If we remove the local keyword, and run the script again, we'll get 100 printed twice.

Return codes

A script in Linux can be terminated using the exit command. There are 255 different error codes, while 0 means success.

For example, the grep command returns 0 if a match was found:

echo hello | grep -q h
echo $?
# prints 0
echo hello | grep -q z
echo $?
# prints 1

If you don't return a value explicitly in a script, the exist status of the last command that the script executed is returned. For example, the following script returns the exit status of some_command:


while the following script returns 0:

function test {
    cat non_existing_file
echo "I'm visible"
exit 0

We can use set -e if we want the script to exit if a command fails:

set -e
function test {
    cat non_existing_file
echo "I'm invisible"
exit 0

The script above will not reach the last line and will return 1.


We already saw how to provide arguments to a Bash script. In this section, we will show how to ask the user to provide arguments to your script.

Asking user for input

The command read asks the user for input. It takes the input and stores it to a variable.

echo "Please insert your name: "
read name
echo "Hello, $name!"

You can also use the -p flag:

read -p "Please insert your name: " name
echo "Hello, $name!"

The -s flag will hide the user's input. It's used when a sensetive data is requested:

read -ps "Please insert your password: " pwd

It's also possible to ask for multiple inputs:

echo "What are your favorite colors?"
read c1 c2 c3

This will tell read that more than one input is expected. It'll split the input passed by the user by space and assign to the variables accordingly.

Reading input from STDIN

Reading input from the STDIN can be useful when you want to process data piped to your own bash script.

A pipe redirects the output of the left hand command to the input of the right hand command. Simple as that. For example, in the following command:

ps aux | grep badprocess | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill

we look for badprocess, print its ID and kill it.

Now we want to write our own script that's able to process data piped to it.

The Linux creed: "Everything is a file", this includes the standard input and output. In Linux, each process gets its own set of files, which gets linked when we invoke piping.

Each process has:

  • STDIN - /proc/self/fd/0 OR /dev/stdin
  • STDOUT - /proc/self/fd/1 OR /dev/stdout
  • STDERR - /proc/self/fd/2 OR /dev/stderr

Having this information, we should be now able to understand how to make a script that's able to process data piped to it:

cat /dev/stdin | grep -oP "\d+" || echo "No digits found"

In this script, we get the data from the standard input, and we look for digits in it:

echo Yes | ./
No digits found
echo Hello13 | ./


The Shell allows evaluation of arithmetic expressions. The format for arithmetic expansion is:

$(( expression ))

For example:

a=$(( 5 + 7 ))  # 12
b=$((5+7))      # 12
c=$(( $a * 6 )) # 72
d=$(( ++c ))    # 73


let performs arithmetic on Shell variables.

The let command is similar to (( expression we saw before, except that let is a builtin command, and (( is a compound command. Example:

let x=7+10    # 17
let "y=7+10"  # 17
let "z=$x+$y" # 34


expr is a program that's able to evaluate math expressions.

y=`expr $x + 20`
echo $y

Note that if we ommit the spaces around the "+" sign, the string "10+20" will be printed.

Conditional statements

Sometimes we need to take different actions depending on some result. The if statement allows us to specify conditions.

if statements

The basic syntax of an if statement is:

if <condition>; then
elif <condition>; then

For example, checking of a file is readable:

if [ -r file ]; then
    echo "readable!"
    echo "not readable!"

Note: The spaces between the brackets and the actual check are must. The following won't work:

if [$a -lt $b]; then ...

The expression if [ -r file ]; then can be written as follows:

if test -r file; then
    echo "readable!"
    echo "not readable!"

test is a built-in command that allows various tests and sets its exit code to 0 or 1 depending on the test result (success or failure). Its structure is straightforward:

test <expression>

The following line prints "yes" if the condition is true, "no" will be printed otherwise:

test 100 -ge 50 && echo "yes" || echo "no"

Inverting a condition is done by adding a "!" in front of the condition. For example:

if [ ! -r file ]; then ...

You probably know that you can use double square brackets in Bash as well. For eaxmple:

if [[ ! -r file ]]; then ...

But there are several differences:

  • [ is a Bash builtin in Bash, and it's similar to test. The command itself is simply [, and the closing bracket ] is actually an argument!

  • [[ and ]] are Bash keywords, not programs

Boolean operations

If we want to check multiple conditions, we can use the boolean operators. For example:

if [ "$a" == "$b" ] && [ -e "$var" ]; then

We can use the || operator for "or".

It's also possible to use this syntax:

if [[ ( "$a" -eq "0" && "$b" -ne "1" ) || "$c" -eq "0" ]]; then

case statements

I assume we're all familiar with "case" statements from different languages (some languages call it "switch"). It's useful when we want to take different paths based on some variable matching of patterns. The general syntax of the "case" statement is:

case expression in

The case statement first expands the expression and tries to match it against the given patterns.

When a match is found, all the statements until the ;; semicolons are executed.

The exist status of the case command is the exist status of the last executed command in the statements. 0 will be returned if there are no matches at all.

case $x in
    echo "x has only [1-3] digits"
    echo "x is n or p"
    echo "I'm not sure..."

Repetitive tasks

When we want to execute commands and keep re-running them until some condition is met, we need to understand how to make repetitive tasks in Bash.

We'll talk about the while, for and until loops.

for loops

The general syntax of the for loops is:

for var in <list>;

The var variable will take each value of the given list, will execute the commands and then move to the next element, until it's done.

For example:

numbers="0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9"
for n in $numbers; do
    echo $n

We could also use ranges:

for i in {0..9}; do
    echo $i

The break keyword exists the for loop. For example, the following script:

for i in {0..6}; do
    if [[ $i -eq "5" ]]; then
    echo "$i"
echo "hello"



The continue keywords stops the current iteration and goes back to the loop. For example:

for i in {0..6}; do
    if [[ $i -eq "5" ]]; then
    echo "$i"
echo "hello"

will print:


note that "5" was not printed.

while loops

This construct also allows repetitive execution of a list of commands, as long as the command in the while condition has a 0 exit status. The syntax is:

while <test>; do

For exmample:

while [[ $i -lt 10 ]]; do
    echo $i

As in the for loop, we can also use break and continue statements here as well.

until loops

The while loop runs the loop while the condition is true. until runs the loop until the condition is true (while the condition is false).

Its syntax is:

until <test>; do

For example:

until [[ $i -gt 10 ]]; do
    echo $i

The commands (echo $i) will continue executing until the condition ($i -gt 10) is true.


When a signal is sent, the OS interrupts the normal flow of the target process to deliver the signal. The execution can be interrupted during a non-atomic instruction.

Some key combinations at the terminal of a running process can be used to send certain signals:

  • Ctrl-C sends INT signal (causes the process to terminate)
  • Ctrl-Z sends TSTP signal (causes the process to suspend its execution)
  • Ctrl-\ sends QUIT signal (causes the process to terminate and dump core)

From within a script, we can use the kill built-in function that accepts the signal name and the process ID.

Common kill signal is the SIGKILL (9), which sends the "kill signal". For example:

ps -ef | grep some_process | exec kill -9

The above command looks for the ID of some_process and sends it a kill signal.


Bash syntax 101 πŸš‘







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