The object-oriented programming project that I have developed is a flight ticket pricing simulation program. The program generates a price for a plane ticket based on the user's input of the departure and arrival airports, the distance between the two airports, and the passenger's class preference.
The program is built using the C++ programming language and incorporates various object-oriented concepts such as encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism. The project consists of several classes, including the Airport, Flight, Passenger, and Ticket classes.
The Airport class contains information about airports, such as their name and geographical coordinates. The Flight class contains information about a flight, including the departure and arrival airports and the distance between the two airports. The Passenger class contains information about the passenger, such as their name and class preference. Finally, the Ticket class calculates the price of a ticket based on the distance between the two airports and the passenger's class preference.
The program also includes a List class that allows the user to add and remove airports from a list of airports. The user can input the departure and arrival airports and the passenger's name and class preference, and the program will generate the price of the ticket. If the user wishes to continue with the purchase, the program will display a congratulatory message.
Overall, this project showcases my skills in object-oriented programming and demonstrates my ability to develop a complex program using various OOP concepts. The program provides a practical solution for calculating the price of a plane ticket, making it useful for anyone who needs to purchase a ticket or for businesses that require ticket pricing simulations.