1 Raspberry Pi, 7 WEMOS devices
Includes /html/ directory, you can sync it to your Pi with rsync -avP ./html/ [email protected]:/home/pi/Documents/html
, then on your pi sudo rsync -avP /home/pi/Documents/html /var/www/html
Change the IP-adress or folder locations if necessary. Don't forget to edit the permissions for the JSON file on your Pi, so that the PHP and C++ code can edit it. The simplest, but unsecure way would be sudo chmod 777 <json file>
To import this project into Eclipse:
- Open Eclipse
- Select File -> Import... -> General -> Projects from Folder or Archive -> Next
- Directory... -> Navigate to .../PJSD2018_A4/RaspberryPi++
- Click finish
If you make a mistake and want to delete the project from Eclipse make sure to uncheck "Delete project contents on disk"!
The project should work straight away, although you might have to change the IP-address for your Pi (Project properties -> C/C++ Build -> Settings -> Build steps).