A little project I developed for the lecture "system architectures for distributed applications".
To start Minikube:
minikube start
To load the docker images:
minikube image load <Name of the image>
minikube image load mongo
minikube image load sva-project-flaskserver
minikube image load sva-project-reactserver
To create the Kubernetes resources:
kubectl apply -f <Name of the config>
kubectl apply -f 01-mongo-deployment-and-service.yaml
kubectl apply -f 02-flask-deployment-and-service.yaml
kubectl apply -f 03-react-deployment-and-service-and-ingress.yaml
To open the connection:
minikube tunnel
To delete the application: % TODO: Not finished
kubectl delete <Name of the ressource>
kubectl delete mongo
kubectl delete mongo-nodeport-svc
kubectl delete flask-deployment
kubectl delete flask-service
kubectl delete react-deployment
kubectl delete react-service
kubectl delete react-ingress