Pawcation is a canine vacation. An app to make booking reservations for our paw buddies' staycation while we, their hooman travel oversea.
- Registeded user are able to record their pet information and view their booking request/reservations.
- Paw owners can choose from 3 different room sizes that suit their pets needs. All room provide a safe privite space for your paw buddies.
- React
- Tailwind CSS - daisy UI
- Node.js
- JavaScript
- Express Framework
- MongoDB & Mongoose
- Render deployment
- Git & GitHub
- date-fns
- bcrypt
- jsonwebtoken
- User Login and Sign Up
- CRUD for Pet and their informations
- View Rooms and Room Information
- Create and View Booking Reservations of Rooms
As a Non-registered User, they can :-
- view information about the hotel and the rooms
As a Registered User, they can :-
- create, update and delete their pet dogs' informations
- view information about the hotel and the rooms
- create a reservation on booking of rooms
- view the room booking reservations
- Sign Up
- Log In
- Log Out
- Home Page
- About Us
- Contact Us
- User Welcome
- User Pet
- Create Pet Information
- Pet Information
- Updating Pet Information
- Rooms
- Room Information
- Room Booking Reservation
- User's Booking
- Working with referencing data model
- Fetching data and using of Params
- Working with dates
- Working with daisyUi
Initially wanted to make a booking app however I hadn't thought about the avalibility of rooms and numbers of room limits. Thus, it has been changed to reservation app, where user make the room reservation. In future, I plan to make an admin dashboard where admin is to approve or reject the user's reservation. Revise the user bookings reservation table and user an emailing system to inform the user of the status of the room booking reservation.
- Admin dashboard
- Form validation
- Mailing system
- Filter Bookings
Wireframe: Google Slides
Tailwind CSS - Daisy UI: Daisy UI
Date formating: Stack overflow