This collector connects to the WFP website via provided API and extracts food prices data country by country creating a dataset per country in HDX. It makes in the order of 200 reads from WFP and 400 read/writes (API calls) to HDX in a one hour period. It saves 2 temporary files per country each less than 2Mb and these are what are uploaded to HDX. In addition a 100Mb file is generated and uploaded to HDX. These files are then deleted. It runs every month.
For the script to run, you will need to have a file called .hdx_configuration.yml in your home directory containing your HDX key eg.
hdx_read_only: false
hdx_site: prod
You will also need to supply the universal .useragents.yml file in your home directory as specified in the parameter user_agent_config_yaml passed to facade in The collector reads the key hdx-scraper-wfp-foodprices as specified in the parameter user_agent_lookup.
Alternatively, you can set up environment variables: USER_AGENT, HDX_KEY, HDX_SITE, TEMP_DIR, LOG_FILE_ONLY
You will need to have a file called .hdxkey in your home directory containing only your HDX key for the script to run. The script was created to automatically register datasets on the Humanitarian Data Exchange project.