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Development Event

Andrea Marini edited this page Jun 3, 2016 · 2 revisions


Once the Ntuples are loaded the event is fully stored in the event class. Each Object (Jet, Lepton, ...) is saved in ad hoc sub classes, that will allow to evaluate it in the presence of cuts, systematic shifts, corrections ... Eventually excluding (validating) overlapping objects with respect to some conditions.

A particular class of the event is the [Weight]( that stores all the information of weighting the Event.

The Other classes are:

  • Jet
  • Tau
  • Met
  • Lepton

Each of these classes ineriths from the Object class (p4) plus a couple of utilities to compute systematic shifts.


Jets need to be cleaned in DR from other object. Each of them is selected through its final cuts. the computeValidity function is called to validade the jet against an object. Some object may appear in multiple form, like the taus, so there is also a validation against the inv isolated taus.

Btagging, pT and eta cuts can be set at analysis level.

Uncertainties are complex, meaning that multiple shifts are possible at each time (and will be correlated with eg Met)


Leptons stores both muon and electrons. Nevertheless the access to only the muon or only the electrons is possible.




Met store also the met filters information for the event. An ad hoc analysis can be used to filter these events out.

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