A JSON generator library to serialize objects into JSON formated text implemented in Kotlin
@JJSONCustomField: Used to apply a custom property name in the final JSON string
@JSONExcludeItem: Used to exclude a given class property is to be ignored when generating the JSON string
- Create a JSONInspector instance
- (Optional) Add one of the library`s annotations to the desired object
- Invoke either the .objectToJSON or .objectToJSONPrettyPrint acording to the desired results
class Cars(
val brand: String,
val model: String,
val year: Int)
class Contacts(val email: String,
val phone: String)
class RelationShipStatus(
val maritalStatus: String,
val birthday: String)
class PetOwner(
val owner: String,
val pets: MutableList<*>)
class Boss(
val bossName: String,
val role: String,
val contacts: Contacts?,
val extras: MutableList<*>?
val contacts = Contacts("[email protected]", "999888777")
val relationShipStatus = RelationShipStatus("Married", "09-12-1979")
val car = Cars("Cloudy", "Biggy", 2009)
val extras: MutableList<Any> = mutableListOf(relationShipStatus, car)
val boss = Boss("Pedro", "Project Manager", contacts, extras)
val jsonObject = JSONInspector()
JSON output:
"bossName": "Pedro",
"Contacts": {
"email": "[email protected]",
"phone": "999888777"
"extras": [{
"birthday": "09-12-1979",
"maritalStatus": "Married"
"brand": "Cloudy",
"model": "Biggy",
"year": 2009
val contacts = Contacts("[email protected]", "999888777")
val relationShipStatus = RelationShipStatus("Married", "09-12-1978")
val car = Cars("Cloudy", "Biggy", 2008)
val extras: MutableList<Any> = mutableListOf(relationShipStatus, car)
val address: MutableList<Any> = mutableListOf("Rua da vida", "Aqui não passas")
val person = Person("Miguel", 23, 1.79, 65.4f, true,null, contacts, address, extras, 'c')
val jsonVisitor = JSONInspector()
JSON output:
"address": [
"Rua da vida",
"Aqui não passas"
"age": 23,
"Contacts": {
"email": "[email protected]",
"phone": "999888777"
"extras": [{
"birthday": "09-12-1978",
"maritalStatus": "Married"
"brand": "Cloudy",
"model": "Biggy",
"year": 2008
"height": 1.79,
"id": "c",
"isWonderfulPerson": "true",
"name": "Miguel",
"occupation": "null",
"weight": 65.4
In order to enhance the visual experience of a json string, a simple GUI was developed to re-create the json generated from a given object
- Get node depth
- Search for a keyword
- Interact with the json created
To allow customization, the GUI enables the creation of custom plugins
- Name the GUI window
- Define the GUI window size and layout
- Define a custom rule to customize each visual json node
Custom actions can be created to add extra functionalities, like:
- Editing a node name
- Export the json generated as a file