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Mikayla edited this page Mar 20, 2024 · 12 revisions

Coordinator Computer

The coordinator computer provides the main GUIs to coordinate control of the fission reactor facility. It utilizes a multitude of monitors, the setup of which are described in the coordinator displays section of the setup guide.

Documentation for the setup/configurator of the Coordinator be found on the page for the GUI-based Coordinator Configurator tool.

Main Features

  • View status of all connected reactors and other supported machines
  • Provide a diagram of coolant and waste flows in addition to production rates
  • Provide a centralized interface to command the supervisor's operations for either manual system control or automatic system control
  • Play alarm audio tones and provide an interface to acknowledge (silence) alarms
  • Show an extensive set of status indicators to quickly identify transients in the system, color coded for severity

Table of Contents

  1. Front Panel
    1. CRD Tab
      1. Status
      2. Additional Peripherals
    2. PKT Tab

Front Panel

The indicator lights on front panels make use of red vs yellow vs green. If you have a colorblindness, please set that when configuring your device. Details on this can be found here. Note that any green indicator light will be blue in any colorblind mode.

Note on RTTs below: The largest delay here is the 500ms loop timing of the coordinator that determines the update rate of handling incoming packets. Depending on when exactly pings happen, this should be just around 500ms or less. On loaded multiplayer servers, it can be more. ≤1000ms is green, ≤1500ms is yellow, and greater than that is red.


This provides overview information of the status of the coordinator computer.



  • STATUS: green, currently nothing can turn it red
  • HEARTBEAT: 0.5s on 0.5s off if all timings are exact (unlikely): indicates the main loop is running OK
  • MODEM: green off if disconnected, green on if connected (in gray, the computer ID is shown next to this indicator)
  • NETWORK: gray for no connection (always gray if networking is disabled), red if supervisor connection denied generically, yellow if supervisor connection denied for collision, orange for version mismatch, green for successful link with supervisor

Additional Peripherals

  • SPEAKER: green off if the speaker is disconnected, green on if it is connected
  • MAIN MONITOR: green off if main monitor is disconnected, green on if it is connected
  • FLOW MONITOR: green off if flow monitor is disconnected, green on if it is connected
  • UNIT X MONITOR: green off if unit #X monitor is disconnected, green on if it is connected


This lists all currently connected pocket computers, utilizing a scroll box to go through the list when lots of devices are connected. When a device disconnects, it is removed from the list. Items at the end of the list are those most recently connected.

  • @ C ___: pocket computer ID
  • FW: pocket computer's firmware version
  • RTT: round trip time between the coordinator and the pocket computer
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